Monday, April 02, 2012

India Does Not Want Our Aid So ...

From: Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfield.
DAVID Cameron’s approach as Prime Minister seems very reminiscent of the 1970s Tory europhile PM, Sir Edward Heath, yet he lacks Sir Edward’s intellect. So for a long time I have considered David Cameron to be ‘Heath-without-brains’. Nothing Mr Cameron has done in the last two years makes me change my mind.
Just one example: Mr Cameron has increased the UK government’s spend on foreign aid when evidence shows it is counter-productive for the recipient nation, fostering corruption; and when India, for one, was telling him that they did not want the £280m a year we have been giving them.
At the same time, he sold our defence Harrier fighter planes to the USA’s Marine Corps (USMC) for a paltry £112m.
If we had cut the aid to India when they asked us to do so, the money saved would have been sufficient to retain the two existing aircraft carriers and their complement of Harriers. The consequence of Mr Cameron’s cupidity is that he has catastrophically reduced our defence capability to please a few middle class Labour voters and aid-junkies, who would never vote for him anyway. (Yorks Post)

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