Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Euro Is Dead ~ Why Will Europhiles Not Bury The Thing?

FDP budgetary spokesman: Germany could reinstate D-Mark with euro remaining as an export currencyIn an interview with ARD’s Morgenmagazin, Jürgen Koppelin, the FDP’s parliamentary budgetary spokesman, proposed that Germany and other eurozone members should return to their national currencies for domestic purposes while keeping the euro as an export and trading currency.
Writing in the FT, Professor Hans-Olaf Henkel, the former head of the Federation of German Industries and one of the country’s most prominent euro critics, writes that despite her reputation in much of Europe for inflexibility “Should the [German Constitutional] Court rule that further shifts of power to Brussels are subject to a referendum or should Finland opt to leave the euro, Ms Merkel might face her second ‘Fukushima’…That could result in another spectacular policy U-turn, this time on the euro.”
Welt FT: Henkel Open Europe events

If Only I Could Disagree.

Nick Timothy Labour sees success and wants to tax it, not encourage more of it. Reeves and her party are takers not makers, destroyers not c...