Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Edinburgh Victory.

Victory for Edinburgh University's pro-life student movement.

http://christianconcern.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bed173cc9adfcad1e0e442a35&id=70ccadda02&e=1cccfc6b93This week, Edinburgh University’s Life Society succeeded in its campaign against a motion to renew a union policy to "support a woman’s right to choose and affiliate to abortion rights."

The motion was defeated during a debate this week where Life Society President, Venesa Reith, argued that the policy threatened to "alienate a proportion of the student population."

Delighted with the result, Venessa said: "We at Edinburgh University Life Society would encourage other universities facing pro-choice motions to stand up and be counted!

“It’s scary, and it’s daunting, but if you take a stand (and do so with compassion and a thought for the people who are voting the other way) then you are already being a witness to the pro-life movement in the UK.” 

The Life Society was supported by the Alliance of Pro-Life Students, which aims to promote the culture of life and bring the pro-life message back onto university campuses. Christian Concern.

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