Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Humans Getting Less Intelligent?

 HUMAN BEINGS ARE GETTING DUMBER” proclaims an article in 19 February 2013. This blunt unflattering assessment of humanity is based on articles by Gerald Crabtree of Stanford University entitled “Our Fragile Intellect” published in Trends in Genetics January 2013.
John Mackay responds:
Crabtree is correct about mutations degrading the human genome, and therefore it is inevitable that some mutations would damage human brain function. Recent genome studies such as the 1000 Genome Project have shown that genes are being rendered useless (and therefore effectively lost) or less functional with every generation. However, no-one has reported a newly formed gene that improves human intellect (or any other human function). There is, therefore, no evidence mutations created and “optimised” these genes in any human ancestor, and caused them to evolve a large complex brain, especially as they are observed to be doing the opposite!
