Friday, February 22, 2013

Mike Riddle.

Mike Riddle on 'Logic and the evolutionist'. 20 Logic errors used by evolutionists when discussing origins
1. Fuzzy Words
We believe, we think.
Given enough time, it will happen
Might work .
Must have formed “Those life forms must have evolved in the absence of oxygen,…”
Could possibly have been.
My guess is.
Seems like Use of “fuzzy words” demonstrates that evolutionists do not have the evidence to support their claims.
2. Half Truth
Half true and half false.
Often more effective than the complete lie Example: The Second Law of Thermodynamics only applies to isolated systems, so it is not relevant to evolution, because the earth is an open system .
3. Bandwagon The appeal to “everyone agrees”. Example: All scientists accept evolution. No real scientist accepts creation. To see a list of scientists that believe in a literal 6-day creation got to: 4. Glittering Generalities A broad oversimplification of an explanation. Example: Scientists may disagree about the mechanism of evolution, but all agree that evolution is a fact. 5. Loaded Words Using emotionally-charged words to influence a reaction. Example: Creationism is a tactic by the “Christian right” to force their religious agenda on our children 6. Association Associating something you want to criticize with something people dislike. Example: Associating creation in the same sentence with astrology or known myths 7. Ridicule Attempting to provoke a dislike against a person or idea by name-calling. Example: Creationists are troglodytes and flat-earthers 8. Assumptions Assuming physical evidences are related. Example: We are here therefore we must have evolved (this is often the best evidence used to support evolution) Example: Fossil horses arranged into an evolutionary sequence 9. Either-Or Fallacy Presenting only one possible solution when others are justified. Example: If we teach creation then we will have to teach every other creation myth. 10. Analogy Improperly drawing parallels while ignoring pertinent differences. Example: Evolution is a fact like digestion or gravity. 11. Authority Relying on authority rather than logic and evidence. Example: Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”Example: Citing one scholar who claims the days of Genesis could have been long ages . 12. Extrapolation Assuming a trend beyond what the data permitsExample: Radioactive dating methods prove the earth is 4.6 billion years old. Example: Mutations are the mechanism for evolution . 13. Best-in-Field Fallacy An appeal to overlook discrepancies in a theory. Example: We don’t have all the answers, but evolution is the best model we have. 14. Shifting the Burden of Proof Forgetting that it is your responsibility to prove a claim, not your opponents to disprove it. Example: Claiming that creation has no proof and therefore should not be taught, when evolution has never been proven or is even capable of proof . 15. Ad Hominem Attacking the person instead of the argument. Example: Asserting that creationists are ultra-conservative, do not have real degrees, or are liars. Example: Accusing creationists of quoting out of context when they did not. 16. Equivocation Confusing the issue by using vague terms or changing the definitions of words. Example: Changing the definition of science to support only evolution. Example: Not clearly defining terms such as natural selection or macroevolution. 17. Card Stacking Listing all the points in your favour while ignoring the serious points against it. Example: Pouncing on one item by your opponent but ignoring the major points of his/her argument. Example: Trying to prove evolution using finch beaks or antibiotic resistant bacteria but ignoring all the problems. 18. Bluffing Appearing to know more than you do. Example: Making the claim that the fossil record is full of transitional fossils. Example: Dinosaurs evolved into birds 19. Appeasement The appeal that we're not really so different. Example: Most religions don’t have a problem with evolution. 20. Visualization Using imagery to mislead or to substitute for evidence. Example: The evolutionary tree of life. Example: The geologic column. Example: Reconstruction of alleged “apemen” .

Congratulations if you can spot the very few evolutionary arguments - particularly against scientific creationism - to which these 20 points do NOT apply. Good hunting!
(First Posted In March 2008.)
