Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Labour Voters: Right To Shun Toryism?

The conservatives in terms of policy are not really as they have been malevolently portrayed by our bile-filled left-wingers over decades.
The real issue, which cannot be escaped as you consider the upper echelons of that party however, is who are the 'movers and shakers' and who holds the reins?
It remains largely made up from the privileged classes and this is something which most Labour voters can neither understand nor stomach.
Only Mrs Thatcher was ever able to combat this - and the tory 'grandees' metaphorically assassinated her.
Then - for reasons unexplainable - the tories shifted, rather too comfortably, into the ground occupied by the liberal left.
Enter UKIP.
The electorate now has a party positioned, from a policy point of view, where the tories should be - and without the baggage!
Little wonder the tories are trying every dirty trick in the book to scupper the only party committed to giving the people a genuine democratic voice.
