Saturday, August 03, 2013

30 New Peers BUT .... 'An INSULT TO DEMOCRACY!!!

14 Tories.
10 Lib Dems
5  Labour
A  Green
AND how many UKIP???????????????????????????
Now it's UKIP versus the entire liberal elite!???
Despite the Coalition Agreement, which pledged to make the House of Lords more proportional to the votes of the electorate, no new UKIP peers were created.  Even if we ignore the UKIP surge since the General Election, UKIP’s 3%+ of the vote in 2010 should leave the Party in a position to get over 20 new UKIP members of the House of Lords.  Yet David Cameron has avoided creating any new UKIP peers (though one new Green Party peer was created).

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage said it was an insult to democracy: "For them granting us peerages would be endorsing us as a bona fide political power, and they are simply unwilling to let anyone else into the club who would challenge the status quo.  Instead they are giving appointments to people who pay hundreds of thousands into their party or who have actually been rejected by voters in recent elections.

Quite frankly it's an insult to democracy in the UK, a country that prides itself on being open and fair and the mother of Parliaments. It puts Westminster on a par with a developing world country dictatorship.  UKIP supporters up and down the country should be enraged. The message being sent out by the Prime Minister is 'we don't care how you think, we don't care how you feel and not only will we willfully ignore the way you vote we will actively block you from having any role in British politics'."

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