Sunday, September 01, 2013

Bruce Charlton On Why Leftists Are Evil.

The bad news is that Leftists really do evil on purpose and it is not a matter of good intentions accidentally gone astray.
How do I know this?
Because they do not correct their errors!

E.g. Leftist policies destroy marriage, and when this destruction is obvious they do not repent and undo the policies but continue to add new policies which continue to destroy marriage. Therefore, the policies are intended to destroy marriage.
Any policy which leads to harm and yet not repented and reversed was, we must infer, done deliberately - with intent to harm.
When Leftism leads to communist totalitarian evil, and the result appears again and again, then we must conclude that this is deliberate.
We must first learn to recognise evil - and this means we must acknowledge the reality and commonness of evil intent - of planned, unrepentant, recidivist evil.

The logic is irrefutable.
