Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bye Bye Godders?

I have grown tired over years of having to try to persuade voters that 'Godders isn't really all that bad.'
I have encountered so many people who have told me that 'They will never vote for Ukip whilst Godfrey Bloom is a significant part of the party' that I have simply lost count.
That his outspokenness has won us a fair few votes is indisputable but the numbers he has lost must run smoothly into six figures and it is not impossible that he might have reached seven figures by next year.
In so many ways, he is a brilliant man with an incisive mind and a superb grasp of which policies are needed to rescue this nation.
His gift for attracting negative publicity however, has been horrendous.
He is incapable of spotting that not everybody sees the world as he does and his contempt for others is tangible. Add this to a well-honed ability to upset and put his foot in his mouth - and there you have it.
Having 'a character' in the party who is known widely and can often 'hit the spot' with viewers and listeners in the media is wonderful - but only up to a point.
In my view, he should stand down from the EU candidates' list and maybe - just maybe - the party will be able to keep him on board until May.
Should he not 'do the decent thing' - he must be removed from that list as a punishment - and as a relief for those of us who have to canvass.
Violent actions, however minor, are unacceptable.
Godfrey finally providing the ammunition for him to be removed may yet be the best thing to have hit Conference 2013.
I am just surmising but do worry, that his behaviour, which has been just so bizarre in recent months, may be sign of deep-seated, personal or medical problems.
Incidentally, my own wife who has stood as a candidate many times in council elections, told me the other day that she did not want to vote for Ukip next May as she could not face her vote going to Godders.
That's how deeply divisive he has been!
In spite of all these things and the things done to me on a personal and family level - I do pray for him and shall continue so to do.
