Tuesday, April 01, 2014

The Bible SAVES - The Proof.

‘"Hand of God" Bible that saved my WWI soldier father from being shot dead’

THIS is the Bible which stopped a German bullet in the First World War and saved a father’s life.

 Roy Taylor in his father’s cap with a copy of his Bible that saved him from being shot in the chest[TONY SPENCER]
The combined Bible, prayer book and hymnal was carried to the front by a 19-year-old despatch rider with the Army Cyclist Corps in 1915.
And when a German sniper got him in his sights during a night mission near Arras, in northern France, “the hand of God” intervened to answer his prayers.
The enemy crackshot opened fire but hit the Bible, which Private Harry Taylor always carried in the left breast pocket of his uniform.
The bullet knocked Harry off his bike but he was otherwise unhurt, thanks to the book taking the force of the impact. Express. 
(A similar thing happened to my maternal grandfather with a set of field cards and a piece of shrapnel which passed through eighteen out of twenty.)

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?
