Wednesday, June 03, 2015

No Guarantee Of A Fair Referendum.

Bill does not guarantee a free and fair referendum, says UKIP Chairman

steve-crowther.jpgThe Draft European Union (Referendum) Bill that has been published does not guarantee a fair referendum, says UKIP Chairman Steve Crowther.
“While we strongly welcome the Government’s commitment in the Queen’s Speech to an In-Out referendum, the Bill outlines the question to be asked, which skews the referendum in favour of a ‘stay-in’ position by giving the Europhiles the ‘Yes’ answer – regardless of what concessions the Prime Minister manages to negotiate.
“But more importantly, it fails to mandate a period of ‘purdah’, normal in elections, to prevent the government from making announcements in the run-up which might affect the result.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?