Letter – Local people should have the power to decide upon local issues
Dear Editor,
The decision by South Tyneside Council to build luxury townhouses despite
a 750 name petition opposing it demonstrates precisely why UKIP would offer
local referenda on such controversial issues.
The go-ahead for the homes in Whitburn has been given even though three
environmental groups also raised objections to the scheme.
We believe that the views of local people are paramount and this is a
classic example of when we would allow for a binding local referendum which
would be triggered by the signatures of 5 per cent of electors within a planning
authority area collected within three months.
We all know that generally more homes are needed, fuelled by uncontrolled
immigration, but they should be of sympathetic design to the area
Meanwhile any incursions into our precious greenbelt land, wherever in
the country, must be resisted and a national register of brownfield sites (as
pledged in UKIP’s manifesto) would be an excellent alternative to begin meeting
our housing need without concreting over our greenbelt.
Yours faithfully
Jonathan Arnott MEP