Dr Glyn Powell, Bakersfield Drive, Kellington, Goole.
BRITAIN’S economy has steadily declined since 1913. However, following
our membership of the European Union (EU) in 1974, the manufacturing sector of
the economy has virtually disappeared, owing in large measure to successive
governments slavishly adhering to foolish diktats from undemocratic EU
The consequences have been dire. Entire industries have ceased, wages
have been reduced and hardship and poverty increased. The leftist Syriza
government in Greece opposes the EU’s secret negotiations and its stance must be
supported. Failing this, it is in all our interests to withdraw
from the undemocratic and harmful EU.
Read more: http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/debate/letters/october-24-let-church-help-refugees-with-the-help-of-its-vast-wealth-1-7533015#ixzz3pUbJB5li
Read more: http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/debate/letters/october-24-let-church-help-refugees-with-the-help-of-its-vast-wealth-1-7533015#ixzz3pUbJB5li