- The last 6 pages are on a report on reform of electoral law in the EU. The votes are deferred and voting finishes 'early'!5 retweets4 favorites
- It's almost 2.30pm here. Debates start at 3pm after lunch, and there's still 8 pages of voting left in this marathon session.3 retweets2 favorites
- Translation services go down again, just as we're listening to an oral amendment to the text.2 retweets3 favorites
- After about 20 minutes of voting on methane and other environmental issues, the final vote on the Commission proposal is...postponed.6 retweets3 favorites
- "This house does not yet have the power to stop cows from emitting methane" - finally, they admit something is best left to member states ;)10 retweets2 favorites
- Coming up to the 2-hour mark on voting, and still 18 more pages to go!3 retweets3 favorites
- Part of the problem with this legislation is that it's giving the unelected Commission broad power to pass delegated acts.5 retweets4 favorites
- Some of the bits that are short enough for us to have the full text in front of us...2 retweets3 favorites
- One of the amendments we just considered is three pages long...highly technical stuff. And there are numerous amendments to this text.1 retweet1 favorite
- Now we're on to 'novel foods' legislation. I'm not an expert in this area, so following colleagues' guidance on how to vote.3 retweets4 favorites
- Very complicated tension between the Parliament and the Commission on allowing member states to ban GM foods.2 retweets1 favorite
- Number of MEPs voting to end bullfighting subsidies was 438, big majority. But will it actually happen?3 retweets2 favorites
- Next report is on the number of judges at the ECJ. Discussion is between 12 and 28 extra judges.4 retweets2 favorites
- Our pro-transparency amendment with regard to MEPs' staff and allowances fails by 156-472.13 retweets4 favorites
- Passed 522-128. But needs treaty change! Shows why Cameron can't renegotiate. If 27 countries can't get simple reform how can 1? (2/2)6 retweets5 favorites
- Parliament once again votes to end the Brussels/Strasbourg travelling circus. But it won't happen; the French won't agree. (1/2)6 retweets3 favorites
- Pretty sure that the bullfighting vote passed, but was distracted by conversation in the chamber - will have to check details later.4 retweets3 favorites
- The one thing they won't spend taxpayers' money on? Creating programmes to help member states leave the euro if they want to. Fails 120-568.7 retweets3 favorites
- Over an hour into the voting time. 'Just' 45 pages of votes left to go...4 retweets1 favorite
- And now to the report on the Budget. The bullfighting vote will be part of it. Prediction: it'll pass, as it's text not part of budget line.4 retweets1 favorite
- Oops! They forgot amendment 120, all the way back on page 3/26. So we have to go back and vote on it. Today's votes, in a word: Omnishambles3 retweets2 favorites
- We proposed cut to state funding of EU political parties and foundations. Both fail, with over 500 voting against.6 retweets2 favorites
- Cutting the Parliamentary TV propaganda service? House of History museum to the EU? Both fail by massive margins.4 retweets1 favorite
- And there's a rare thing, a cut! Yes, we've voted to cut the furniture bill slightly. #austerityinaction3 retweets2 favorites
- Our proposal to cut allowances isn't considered; the Parliament just voted to increase them!6 retweets2 favorites
- Our amendment supports cuts in MEP travel expenses. Fails by 182-497.5 retweets1 favorite
- UKIP MEPs vote to cut MEP salaries. Fails 143-531.66 retweets18 favorites
- Amazing to watch how Labour consistently vote against anything that saves taxpayers' money!
- Same thing happens with funding for the Publications Office.1 retweet1 favorite
- We don't get the chance to vote on our proposals to cut EU funding for propaganda projects - the Parliament voted to increase it first!4 retweets2 favorites
- Another @EFDgroup amendment, to cut funding for EU Special Representatives, fails. This place hates saving taxpayers' money!19 retweets8 favorites
- Two EFDD amendments to save taxpayers money fail.4 retweets2 favorites
- On page 13 out of 26 on budget lines. Then it's 9 pages on the budget report, and 40 pages of votes on other matters.2 retweets2 favorites
- More money for the EU Common Asylum Policy passes. ¡Quelle surprise!9 retweets5 favorites
- President announces a measure has failed. Electronic check shows it actually passed. By 516-160.7 retweets2 favorites
- A lot of MEPs forget that 60% needed to amend budget; proposal 'passes' by 344 to 306 but is actually rejected.5 retweets3 favorites
- Already we're seeing that proposals to spend more taxpayers' money pass; those to spend less fail. Happened at least 4 times already.13 retweets8 favorites
- I'm live-tweeting today's Budget and other votes in the European Parliament.12 retweets4 favorites
- Translation goes wrong again in EU Parliament as Jim Carver speaks in English but we hear him in a different language. Not sure which.3 retweets1 favorite
- Now the rapporteur reads out a string of technical amendments to the EU budget, line by line and we're expected to vote immediately.4 retweets2 favorites
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