Thursday, April 21, 2016


As somebody who once had to take a year off work a quarter of a century ago - unpaid - as a result of the stress of carrying too many heavy projects on my back, it is a condition I understand better than most.
The claims this week that 'huge numbers of young people are suffering from disabling stress' are a condemnation of our decaying society and the way in which it functions.
There has always been: 'being cool', exam pressure, peer pressure, bullying, worries about the future et al to cause standard stress.
(But then, what about my teenage Dad who had to go on a active service for 11 months of brutal war in June 1944. Wasn't that a little more like stress-filled?)
Our Godless, value-free, mock-moral, shallow, discipline-lacking, facade-wearing, self-absorbed, grabbing, mindless, sex-obsessed, instant gratification, sickening social media-riddled, porn-filled, bile-spewing Internetting, celebrity-infatuated, responsibility-absent yoof culture had to end up like this!
Exams have been dumbed down for them, but in fairness, that only means that expectations on the non-academic have increased unfairly as they are expected to target university.
Where real stress does assail our kids, it is when they can no longer find jobs. (But, we are delighted to learn that immigration at astronomical levels has not affected this in any way.)

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