Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Castro: I Should Have Published This Letter Sooner!

Fidel Castro’s death is a day millions of Cubans around the world have waited for, for decades. Tyranny, a command economy, economic stagnation, and isolationism brought Cuba to her knees financially, but hope never left the hearts of the Cuban people. In the early hours of Saturday morning, hundreds of thousands of Cuban-Americans rejoiced throughout Miami-Dade County, as they heard the sensational news. One should embrace the death of every communist despot, given that it’s communism that directly caused the deaths of tens of millions of innocent civilians throughout the twentieth century. Sworn in as Prime Minister in 1959, and elected President of the National Assembly in 1976; Fidel was determined to prop up terrorist governments around the globe, whether it be the Chavista Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the quasi Republic of Zimbabwe, or the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Castro guaranteed economic and military support whenever possible, while the international community, aside from the United States, turned a blind eye. Freedom and liberty will not come to Cuba overnight, for Raul Castro currently occupies the seat of power. Regardless, this momentous occasion is news, which lovers of liberty should welcome with open arms. How tragic it must have felt for Cubans who fled by boat as refugees to the United States. Innocent Cubans watched as their homes were stolen, cars seized, and wealth confiscated. Throughout the decades, the British government recognised the Communist thugs as a legitimate government. Whether it be Labour or Tory, both parties made it clear they would continue diplomatic relations with a terrorist state.
If UKIP were ever to come to power, it would be imperative not to make such a grave miscalculation. Never should a government of a free society enter into diplomatic relations with a regime known for aiding and abetting terrorists. Any compromise on such an issue is akin to tolerating the deaths of innocent Cubans who stood foursquare against the Castro regime. Repeating the mistakes of the past would be a folly in the eyes of the innocent victims, which in turn, would be a crime against humanity.
In due course, the people of Cuba will be free to aspire to new heights and dreams as their pain and suffering wash away. While we should not arm a violent rebellion against President Raul Castro, we should welcome any Cuban-led revolt against his tyrannical reign, stand morally next to the Cuban people, and make it clear that we shall never tolerate the actions of a government that was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians who were brutally butchered due to their intellect, support for capitalism, and opposition to wealth redistribution.
One day, the children born in Cuba will be born free once more.
No mas negocios con criminales y comunistas!
Respectfully, Byron Sanford, UKIP Chairman for Barnet & Hendon

Help Needed For Our Brothers and Sisters.

Will you help Christians who are suffering violence and oppression? So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...