Saturday, October 12, 2024

Help Needed For Our Brothers and Sisters.

Will you help Christians who are suffering violence and oppression?

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So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.   Isaiah 41.10.

Please help Christians who suffer violence and oppression for their faith in Jesus today.

Avidan still remembers the terrible ordeal of being falsely accused of abducting his children, after his Muslim wife left him. And even today his life remains difficult and dangerous.

We met Avidan* and his children in February. Although brought up a Christian Avidan had accepted Islam to marry his wife. When she left him, his children chose to stay with him and Avidan felt called to turn back to Christ – even though he knew this would cause him so much trouble. He was hounded and abused by his neighbours, and he was eventually accused of kidnapping his daughter and sons.

Avidan was arrested and held in prison on false charges of taking his children. The authorities kept him locked up for months. It was a terrifying ordeal for him. Whilst in prison Avidan gave himself totally to Christ. He was finally freed and to this day Avidan has no idea who paid for his bail. But he believes that his true repentance was heard by God; and he believes the Lord was saying to him, ‘I will protect you when you come back to me.’

When he was released, his ex-wife said she no longer wanted the children as she had met a wealthy Muslim man and planned to remarry. The children said they were very happy as their father ‘was the hero of their lives.’

Can you please send a vital gift of £30 today to Release International to help persecuted Christians like Avidan and his children facing violence and oppression for their faith in Christ?

Because Avidan is a Christian, he found it very hard to find work and the family were homeless, living in parks and begging for help. Release International partners were able to meet with Avidan and provide vital pastoral care and some financial support when they had nowhere else to turn. The whole family were baptised together recently.

Life remains difficult and dangerous for Avidan and his family. He must keep a very low profile and tries to live out of sight of his neighbours. As the family doesn’t go to the local mosque, they are regarded with hostility and deep suspicion. He has been verbally abused and physically attacked. He was beaten up by a gang of men and suffered extensive bruising and a head injury.

There are also continued threats made to Avidan’s children. His daughter Farah is under enormous pressure from local Muslims to be married into their faith. Avidan is concerned that she could be abducted and forced into marriage. So regular prayer and encouragement from Release International partners is a vital lifeline to help Avidan and his family to survive in such a hostile place for Christians. Farah is devoted to her faith in Christ and we continue to pray for her to find a suitable husband in the future.

A gift of £30, £50, £100 or even £250, or any amount that you can give, could provide so much to a Christian family suffering violence and oppression for the Lord.

Your generous and faithful donation today could help persecuted Christians like Avidan stand strong in their faith, provide support for their families, and build the Kingdom in places like Kenya, Iran, Central Asia, China and many more. Please send your gift securely online today.

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Thank you so much for your love and support for your persecuted family. It means so much to be able tell them that they are not alone.

As Avidan said, “Whatever happens, we are thankful that the Lord is with us.”

God bless you and yours in everything that you do.

Paul Robinson
CEO, Release International

Help Needed For Our Brothers and Sisters.

Will you help Christians who are suffering violence and oppression? So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...