Monday, December 12, 2016

HMS Ocean.

Dear Editor,
We hear a lot about cuts and a lack of government funding and it is certainly true that many key areas of the public sector are underfunded.  However, just as important as having adequate funding for a budget is ensuring that this funding is spent wisely – this is something that I feel successive Labour and Tory governments have failed at.
The fact that the Royal Navy’s largest ship HMS Ocean is set to be retired is a perfect example of the government being wasteful with taxpayer funding.  While I don’t welcome a reduction in the size of the Royal Navy surface fleet, I understand that ships age, become outdated and need to be retired and replaced.  However, HMS Ocean went through a £65 million upgrade in 2014!   With Ocean set to be scrapped, not only was this upgrade a gigantic waste of money but it demonstrates a lack of long term planning within the heart of government.
We must continue to press the government to provide adequate money for key services, but we must also remain vigilant and ensure that this money is being spent wisely.
Jonathan Arnott MEP

Help Needed For Our Brothers and Sisters.

Will you help Christians who are suffering violence and oppression? So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...