Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Paul Thrashes Chuck In Debate on LBC.

'Mandated to LEAVE' Ukip leader destroys Remainer’s Brexit claims in LBC takedown.

PAUL NUTTALL has slapped down a prominent Remain campaigner for claiming the British people did not vote to leave the single market on June 23. The new  leader went head to head with Labour’s Chuka Umunna on  on Monday after the pro-EU politician insisted the ’s Government does not have a mandate to take Britain out of the single market. 

Appearing on ’s show, Mr Umunna insisted the EU referendum result was just to determine whether or not the UK should abandon the red-tape obsessed bloc and not a judgment on how it should exit. 
The  politician said: “The result of the referendum was just to determine whether we leave the  or not. 
“The way in which we leave and the kind of exit that we have, there was no judgment given by the people on that.” Mr Umunna added the people had not voted to lose their jobs as a result of leaving the EU. 
He said: “In terms of acting in a way which will lead to people losing their jobs, us not having good trade deals that enable British businesses and manufacturers to be able to continue thriving, the idea people thought ‘we’ll just put that in the bind’, there was no mandate for that.”
Appearing almost amused with the claims leaving the bloc would plunge the UK into chaos, the newly elected Ukip leader snapped that suggesting Britons had not known what they voted for was disingenuous.
Taking the Europhile to task, Mr Nuttall said: “We could end up having a half and that is not what people voted for. 
Also, “To pretend now that people somehow didn’t know what they were voting for on June 23 is disingenuous.”
Mr Nuttall’s takedown of the Labour MP came as his deputy leader roasted Lib Dem MP Tom Brake for claiming to understand what they voted for in the EU referendum.
Angrily responded to the Lib Dem's assertions, Peter Whittle said: “That is completely outrageous.

1 Corinthians 6. Believers Must KNOW and Implement What The Lord Teaches Us.

    9  Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolater...