Saturday, December 10, 2016

Super Letter.

UKIP must strongly avoid labels such as left and right. All these achieve is to wilfully cast away votes from those generally sensible people who may well customarily identify with the opposite side. We must be known at all times as ‘The Sensible Party’.
To win, ‘when we no longer have a cause’ (or so we are told) we must:
a) Attack the liberal establishment – challenging them on every stoopid utterance they ever make and
b) Produce a multitude of sensible policies which neither waste public money nor trample on the wishes of the ‘the average Joe’.
We can never afford to fall into the LibLabCon/Green trap of telling the electorate what they must want!
Policies which alienate any segment of society (other than the liberal and hard left, of course) must be shunned. Where matters are moral and controversial – let referenda decide. We really must examine the Swiss model and learn from it.
UKIP’s only forward path is to truly become the People’s Party and to lovingly embrace the label of ‘populism’. Note this quotation from a well known black Pastor (Dr Joseph D’Souza) in the USA:
‘If any party in the U.S., as well as in other nations like Britain and in other major democracies, want the vote of the silent majority, they have to appeal to the things that matter to this group. After all, what I have always appreciated about America is that it’s democracy is “representative.” Politicians are to reflect the will of the people as opposed to inflicting the people with their own will, their own agenda.’

Ukip Daily.

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