Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Left WANT Social Chaos.

Anyone who has read even a small amount of the works of Leon Trotsky can be in little doubt that communists want to cause chaos. ("Ah, but, Trotsky only embraced one aspect of 'true socialism', the leftist apologists will cry with their duplicitous spirits!)
Please consider the failed goal of 'multi-culturalism' - celebrated across the entire spectrum of the broad left. 
It has encouraged minorities to celebrate their differences with the British way of life and has had the unhappy consequence of helping to cause: division, ghettos, friction and a loss of social cohesion.
Do you really believe that this consequence has not been carefully planned? Where are the leftists who are calling for integration of the huge numbers of migrants - and meaning it? They are, indeed, few in number.
The leftist aim has always been to foment social strife in the hope that, out of the ensuing chaos and even possible civil war, a marxist regime will emerge from the ashes. Death and destruction must never be a block to the goal of imposing the so-called 'dictatorship of the proletariat' onto democratic societies.
Please stop believing that these are merely 'unintended consequences'. They are not. They are part of the overall strategy.

Help Needed For Our Brothers and Sisters.

Will you help Christians who are suffering violence and oppression? So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...