Monday, April 10, 2017

Employment Tribunal.
An Employment Tribunal Judge has said that "people should not express anything about their own beliefs without it first being raised as a question by someone else". Christian Concern.
So. New rules. This should now mean that: lefties are silenced; moslems are silenced; liberals are silenced; remainers are all told to SHUT UP; supporters of Amnesty International will have to keep their own counsel! - Sounds like a winner to me!
(Christians are only having confirmed that they have already lost their rights to free speech.)
I can easily take this but only if it applies logically to everyone - across the board. NO proselytising whatsoever on behalf of any religion, political cause, power group, pressure group, charity or even any apparently 'good cause'. Not having to listen to the 'warmists' going on would be a relief for many.
 All I EXPECT is a level playing field. Do you think I'll live long enough to see one? - Me neither!

Scandalous And Labour Wants To Make It WORSE!

Urgent warning as Britain is  paying the highest electricity prices  in the world. Electricity prices in the UK are four times higher than i...