Monday, April 10, 2017

Suicide Bombers - No Repentance - Instant Track To Hell!

PALM SUNDAY HORROR: Egypt hit by SECOND church blast in one day - suicide bomber kills 18.

A SUICIDE bombing outside a church .- the second fatal explosion to hit the country on Palm Sunday.
Just hours after a bombing rocked a Coptic church in Egypt's Nile Delta, killing at least 29 people and injuring 71, a second blast at the front of St Mark's church in Alexandria has led to more fatalities. 
Egypt's Ministry of Health said 18 people had died, including three police officers.
A further 41 people were injured. 
The Ministry if Interior confirmed Pope Tawadros, the pope of Alexandria, had attended mass at Saint Mark's Cathedral and was still in the building at the time of the explosion. He escaped unharmed. 

By . Express

Scandalous And Labour Wants To Make It WORSE!

Urgent warning as Britain is  paying the highest electricity prices  in the world. Electricity prices in the UK are four times higher than i...