Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Syrian Situation Described By Paul Nuttall.

Paul Nuttall has condemned the US missile strikes on Syria as 'Trigger Happy.'

Paul.jpgPaul Nuttall, the UKIP leader has condemned the missile attack on Syria as, "rash, trigger happy, nonsensical and will achieve nothing."
"The whole world rightly condemns the use of chemical weapons in Syria, but the US attack on the Assad regime does nothing to lower tensions, nor will it hasten peace in that country.
"Too often rash responses to horrific situations are about the conscience of the attacker, rather than a clear-headed response to an awful situation.

Pastors Voting.

Pastors twice as likely to support Trump over Harris but many are undecided. By  Ryan Foley , Christian Post Reporter Sunday, September 22, ...