Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Usual, Nasty-minded, Leftist, Class Politics.

Jeremy Corbyn wants to see a return to the class war politics of the past

Posted on April 06
DavidKurtenWeb.jpgUKIP Education Spokesman David Kurten today lambasted Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's announcement that he will add VAT to private school fees: 

"Jeremy Corbyn’s plan to add VAT to private schools fees is a return to the class war politics of the past and will be entirely counter-productive. 

"The Independent Schools sector accounts for around 650,000 pupils; roughly around 6.5% of the school population. 

"Adding VAT onto private school tuition will squeeze the already overstretched middle classes forcing many parents to send their children to schools in the state sector, further adding to the shortage of places and increasing the strain they are already facing.

Pastors Voting.

Pastors twice as likely to support Trump over Harris but many are undecided. By  Ryan Foley , Christian Post Reporter Sunday, September 22, ...