Friday, May 25, 2018

Any Sentence Less Than Death Is Both Immoral and Unacceptable!

Walkden fire murder trial: Bolland, Worrall and Brierley to be sentenced.

Zak Bolland and David Worrall have been found guilty of four counts of murder and Courtney Brierley has been convicted of four counts of manslaughter following a firebomb attack which killed four children in Walkden last December. Manchester Evening News.
Blogger: That a nation chooses to use a death sentence only in extremis is understandable; to abolish it entirely is to close off an avenue of justice which, on occasions, is the only fair, righteous and just social response to an atrocity.
Individuals must forgive: society, however, bears the sword! That is the scriptural way!
I might also question how Brierly, a full partner in this most evil enterprise, is only convicted of manslaughter. More sexism in the Criminal Justice System 'just because she is a woman'??

A Verse of Great Encouragement.