Wednesday, May 30, 2018

CSW Requests Prayer For North Korea.

Our God is sovereign above all earthly powers: he brings about his Kingdom on earth through the rulers he has appointed. What God asks of us is to pray earnestly for his justice and mercy to prevail. This week, please pray with us for what could be a turning point for North Korea.

On 12 June a truly historic meeting will take place: US President Donald Trump will meet the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, in Singapore. It’s just the latest in a series of steps towards peace on the Korean peninsula – a peace that’s been decades in coming. 

Yet when we look at the horrific situation in North Korea it can be hard to retain our optimism. The UN describes the human rights situation as ‘without parallel in the contemporary world’. At least 100,000 people are held in prison camps, regularly experiencing slave labour and torture.
There’s absolutely no open expression of religious faith, and if you’re caught with a Bible you could face execution, or a life sentence in a prison camp. Oppression and tyranny are a regular feature of daily life.

This is why human rights must be kept on the agenda of any discussion with the North Korean regime. So it’s our prayer that President Trump will raise these violations when he meets with Kim Jong Un next month; and that it will be clear that if there is ever peace in Korea, it will only be when the prison camps are closed, and when human dignity and freedom are respected.

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