Thursday, May 24, 2018

My Dad's Voting Patterns.

As a young man, my father was a dyed-in-the-wool socialist. As he grew up and encountered real life, 'he put away childish things'.
Nonetheless, on only a single occasion, did he ever vote Tory - and that was for a local man he knew well and trusted.
How many times have I said on this Blog and in my general writing that the UK desperately needs a true centre right party which is NON-TORY!
It would harvest the usual Tory votes and would gain a few million more voters - just like Dad!
Liberal-leaning, soft left, Tory politicians are unrepresentative of the majority of their voters.
Of the countless Tory non-voters, many would surely return to the fold.
Once, I truly thought that Ukip could have been that party and that they would have replaced the old Tory party altogether. Sigh.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.