Sunday, May 20, 2018

Kairos Prison Ministry.

Our Vision

A community, spiritually freed from the 

effects of imprisonment
 reaching to all impacted by imprisonment 

through the
Love, Hope and Faith found in Jesus 


Our Mission

The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to 

the transforming 
love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to 
impact the 
hearts and lives of 
imprisoned men, women and youth – as well as 
their families – 
to become loving and productive citizens of their
Kairos Prison Ministry International (KPMI) is a 
Christian based 
ministry which addresses the spiritual needs 
of imprisoned men, 
women, youth and their families. 
sharing the 
love and forgiveness
 of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes to 
transform lives and 
impact the world.
Kairos sprang from the Cursillo movement and 
is support by 
from the 4th day movements such as Anglican 
Cursillo, Catholic 
Lutheran Via de Cristo, Upper Room’s Walk 
to Emmaus, Tres Dias 
and volunteers from many churches.  As a 
ministry, Kairos embraces
 a diverse group of volunteers working 
together to fulfill Christ’s call
 to action as found in Matthew 25 vs 36:

‘ … When I was sick you took care of me and 
when I was in jail you 
visited me.’   CEV

Kairos Prison Ministry UK (KUK) was formed in
 1997 (a joint venture between 2 ministries 
which known as Kairos APAC).  This partnership 
was dissolved in 1999 with KUK offering its 3 
programmes whilst APAC changed its name to 

KPMI (and KUK) are ministries of the Christian 
church … a ministry of the apostles whom Jesus 
Christ called into community and sent forth into 
the prison environment.  KPMI has been called 
the best example of the early church in existence 

An extensive 4 year recidivism study in the USA 
concluded that 55% of released offenders return 
to prison where as the figure dropped to 16% for 
those who had attended a Kairos programme. 
In the study this equated to 7,902 fewer 
offenders (at $ 26,500 per person pa as compared 
to £ 34,766* in England and Wales) returning to 
prison with a resultant $209.4 million savings to 
the taxpayer.
(* Ministry of Justice Information Release dated 
17 October 2013

A Verse of Great Encouragement.