Friday, February 01, 2019

Politics In Brazil.

Brazil's far-right President Jair Bolsonaro has used his inaugural speech to promise to build a "society without discrimination or division".
The former army captain told Congress he wanted a "national pact" to free Brazil of corruption, crime and economic mismanagement.
In a swipe at the left, he vowed to free Brazil of "ideology" ...
 ... Mr Bolsonaro, 63, won the presidential election by a wide margin against Fernando Haddad of the left-wing Workers' Party on 28 October.
He was propelled to victory by campaign promises to curb Brazil's rampant corruption and crime.
US President Donald Trump commended him for his speech on Tuesday, saying the US was "with" him. BBC.
When the Beeb proclaims someone as being 'far right' - I have no idea whether to believe them or not. 
Today, 'far-right' is defined as anyone who is one notch to the right of Nick Clegg or who is populist or who is pragmatic or who rejects the pie-in-the-sky notions of the socialist left. I expect that I shall have to adopt a wait-and-see stance.
