When Rachna (pictured above) had leprosy, discoloured patches appeared on her forehead. Rachna's husband abandoned her and her family feared that their community would hate Rachna if they discovered she had leprosy.
Rachna was misdiagnosed several times and feared the prejudice she may face from her community. That was until we were able to correctly diagnose the disease. We provided Rachna with the cure, along with surgery for her eyes and post-treatment support to promote her recovery.
We believe women affected by leprosy deserve support rather than judgement. No woman should be abandoned, divorced or have her children taken away from her because she has been affected by leprosy, a curable disease.
Rachna is now a Community Champion and has helped others to learn how to look after themselves and how to reduce the threat of an injury due to nerve damage.
Click the button below to read more of Rachna's story.