Bible news: How scientists were left STUNNED by experiment on the Jesus prophecies
SCIENTISTS conducted an experiment using the “science of probability” to calculate the likelihood of one man – Jesus Christ – fulfilling the 456 prophecies described in the New Testament. Biblical prophecies comprise of passages of the Bible that [supposedly] reflect the communications of God to humans. A number of these passages revolve around Jesus – who [is said to be] the son of God and the voice (???) of Christianity. According to a study carried out by Westmont College, in California, the Messiah can be directly linked to more than 450 prophecies in the New Testament. Amazon Prime’s “Jesus: The Great Debate” revealed how students at the Christian college, alongside scientists, carried out an experiment to calculate the probability of the claims. Professor of Science Peter Stoner with the help of 600 students calculated the probability of one man fulfilling just eight of the prophecies.”
Mr Ankerberg went on to explain what the experiment consisted of.
He continued: “The students carefully weighed up the factors and various circumstances which might indicate that men had somehow conspired together to fix these prophecies.
“They made their estimates as conservative as possible before inviting other scientists to submit their own independent estimates to check the accuracy.
John Ankerberg, co-author of “The Facts on False Views of Jesus” revealed in 1970 the task they completed.