Friday, March 15, 2019

Parliament AGAIN Tries To Subvert The Will of The People!

The tactics of the losers of the referendum vote have never been less than reprehensible. 
The vote last night to delay departure was both vile and 100% anti-democratic.
Maybe our only hope is that ALL the other 27 nations of the EU have to agree.
Is that degree of unanimity even possible? - Maybe a slim hope for Brexiteers but congratulations to those few MEPs agitating for less EU-centric nations to support democracy and refuse the extension.

I keep returning to the Labour Manifesto which promised voters to honour the Brexit vote and whose MPs have vainly, and with malice aforethought, done all in their power to ensure that we are given a choice: either an empty Brexit leaving us hanging pathetically onto the coattails of the EU OR remaining in membership.

Many Similar Warnings Have Been Ignored.

  Douglas Murray . Mass immigration is killing Europe – and the  political class  just don’t care. I warned nearly a decade ago that our Con...