Thursday, October 31, 2019

Margin In Favour of Brexit Has Increased.

ComRes survey, the biggest since the 2016 referendum, found that 54 percent of people back the UK leaving the EU compared to 46 percent who want to remain. The 54 percent figure excludes those who responded to say they didn't know. If the number of Britons who are unsure is included, the result is 50 percent to 42.

The Tafida Case.

My Favourite Wildlife Charity.

Join today
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Hey - I Do Things Like That!

The Countdown Is Running Down - And At Great Speed.

Bye Bye Bercow -Thank Goodness!

The Cosmos Points To A Creator.


The Brexit Party is considering withdrawing hundreds of its general election candidates in what would be a major boost to Boris Johnson’s hopes of winning a majority.
Splits have emerged in Nigel Farage’s party over its election strategy, with several senior figures backing the “sensible” option of focusing its resources on a small number of Leave-voting Labour seats that it stands a realistic chance of winning.
One senior Brexit Party MEP suggested the party could field as few as 20 candidates, while other sources suggested the figure would be nearer 100. DT.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I Understand The Thinking - But Disagree. If He Chooses To 'Eat and Drink Damnation Onto Himself' - That's His Call.

Priest denies communion to Joe Biden over his abortion advocacy.

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden was denied communion at a South Carolina church Sunday because of his abortion advocacy. CP.

Fancy Teaching As A Career? - Why?

Teaching as a career? - Only if you are totally bonkers.

We are being regaled with information about how many teachers take time off for illness or stress.
I am delighted that the figures are as low as 15,000 a day.
Teaching is an incredibly difficult job at its most basic level and teachers need to be supported - but they are not and the situation is made worse by those twin fifth columns within the profession; the unions and the promotion seekers.
Remember that in the average school, all staff are achievers and most are capable of doing the top job - given time and experience.
Promotions are many in schools and are nauseatingly used to make staff work 20% harder to gain a salary increase of 5%.
School staff rooms can be like an overcrowded cage of rats with many jockeying for positions.
Some of the promotions can be quite absurd. What of the teacher on two promotions for filling the vending machine? (No, honestly!)

Others may be working themselves into the ground to achieve an extra grand or two a year.
Eventually, your promotion becomes more important to you than your teaching - which is, believe it or not, your real job!

In addition you are assailed with pointless meetings, bureaucracy, government interference, interference by so-called experts and decreasing numbers of the free periods needed to make the system flow.

Most will admit that their teaching becomes secondary to their promotion jobs.

It is all frustration, you are not trusted as a professional, you are treated like a recalcitrant child by OFSTED and the unknowing and terminally ignorant point out how well off you are for holidays and, incredibly, seem to believe that you work fewer hours annually than they do.

Children don't help. They are in a war of attrition with you - and that is just the nice kids.
There are plenty of others - disciplined only by you pretending to have authority - a bluff which is too often called!

Your self worth is constantly undermined.

I would not recommend state school teaching to my worst enemy! I had 16 years full time in a reasonably good comp and a further 12 years working part time.
It made me ill - leaving was the best decision of my life.

Some 99% of All Lifers Will Eventually Be Released. How many To Kill Again?

Retired pharmacist Jack Greenwell, 72 was murdered by Stephen Unwin. He was released from his life sentence and then murdered Quyen Nguyen.
Question: if this evil man had been hanged - just how could he have raped and butchered Quyen?


Our Goal.

Bercow The Bully?

Names of God.

Soros: This Can Be No Bad Thing!

“Between the election of President Trump and Britain’s ongoing debate over Brexit, the billionaire philanthropist George Soros recognizes that populism is on the rise and that his brand of liberal democracy is faltering,” said Michel Martin, host of All Things Considered on taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR). Breitbart.

General Election on 12th December.

Oh, how much better the negotiated deal with the EU could have been had remainers not insisted that leaving without a deal had to be 'off the table'. Boris had to negotiate with one hand tied behind his back - something we may all come to regret.
I do not like Boris Johnson: I do not care for his extravagant hair styles; his pretence to be a bit of a bumbler; his morals; his godlessness. 

He has one quality, however, which excites me. I think that he is something of a leader. It is many moons since we last had one such.
In potential Tory seats - we must ensure that the vote is not split with the BP. I urge all British readers to get out and vote Tory.
This will ensure that the 'reduced package Brexit will get through Parliament, at least.

As far as the 10 renegade Tories welcomed back into the fold, I urge you to support them. In a fair world - that would be terrible advice but this is politics, after all. It is no use Nigel splitting the vote and risking Boris not getting an overall majority.

In all other situations, please vote Brexit Party! Vote Nigel.
Will there be a pact between Boris and Nigel? - I sincerely hope so.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Yet More Persecution?

A Christian school governor with 40 years’ experience working as a nurse has been suspended for questioning why parents had not been properly consulted over the introduction of a school Pride month and LGBT themed books into the school library.
Since the early 1990s, Mrs Maureen Griffith, 74, had been a governor at Alperton Community School in Brent, North London. There, she helped shape the school’s curriculum, pioneered the school’s health and safety policies and introduced better disabled access. Passionate about making a difference to her community, paired with a deep love of children, Mrs Griffith had also given advice and guidance to children at the school from difficult backgrounds for decades.

Passionate about making a difference

Growing up in Barbados under British rule as the eldest of 11 siblings, Mrs Griffith’s ambition had been to come to the UK to train to be a nurse. In 1964, at the age of 16, she arrived in London and, after completing her training, worked as a general nurse at Neasden Hospital. After having a family and finding a church, she was recommended by her pastor to become a school governor.
A stickler for detail and for things being done properly, Mrs Griffith always requested any relevant documentation in hard copy prior to meetings so that everything could be properly scrutinised. This was no different at the Curriculum and Standards meeting on 1 May 2019. One booklet she received ahead of the meeting was from the school’s library, where new members of staff planned to introduce genre-specific reading lists for LGBT Pride Month for the next school year.

Parents not properly consulted

“At the meeting,” Mrs Griffith said, “I raised that the introduction of LGBT books and Pride month into the school had not been mentioned before at any previous meetings. I said that parents had not been consulted and that there would be parents with children from religious backgrounds who would object and not want their children to have this form of sex education. I urged them to consider those families, and added that as a parent myself, I would not have wanted my sons to be reading LGBT books or to be involved in an LGBT Pride month.
“As I said this, a member of staff stood up and left the room and the clerk of the school began to rage at me saying: ‘Look what you’ve gone and done, you’ve upset him.’ She then told me that I should be accepting of what was happening as it is law.
“I know there were members of staff present who were glad that I raised the issue as they felt unable to do so themselves. After this, my understanding is that two people present complained about what I had said.”

Suspension a ‘last resort’

On 21 May 2019, Mrs Griffith received a letter from school’s clerk, Jo Sattaur, telling her that she had “breached the Governors Code of Conduct and made homophobic comments at a public meeting, that were offensive to members of staff.”
The letter explained that she had been suspended, that an investigation would begin, and that “the governing board will only use suspension/removal as a last resort after seeking to resolve any difficulties or disputes in more constructive ways.” The letter added that: “In all maintained schools, and where an academy trust board decides, the chair is permitted to act in cases of urgency where a delay in exercising the function would be likely to be seriously detrimental to the interests of the school, a pupil, a parent or member of staff.”
After seeking help from the Christian Legal Centre, Mrs Griffith wrote to the school in response to the suspension asking for full details of the allegations against her and asking what she had said that had caused such offence.
She wrote: “I respectfully invite you to reconsider my suspension. As you say, the code of conduct states that the suspension is a ‘last resort’, which will only be used when strictly necessary. Surely, suspension is only necessary and appropriate in cases of serious misconduct, not for a comment someone objects to.”
Accompanied by Christian Concern co-founder, Pastor Ade Omooba MBE, Mrs Griffith attended a meeting at the school on 3 July and was assured that there would be a ‘speedy conclusion’ to the process. However, over three months later, Mrs Griffith has still heard nothing.

No scrutiny allowed

“My mother always taught me that things have to be done properly,” Mrs Griffith said. “Therefore, whether as a nurse where I am responsible for patient safety or as a governor where I am responsible for a child’s education and shaping the school environment, it is my job to notice things that others do not. In meetings where someone may want to push something through, I scrutinise, and this leads to discussion, debate and finding consensus on the right way to move forward.
“When they told me I had been ‘homophobic’ for scrutinising the introduction of LGBT Pride month, I had to go home and look up what it meant. I couldn’t believe it. It never occurred to me that I could be ‘homophobic’ or scared of something. These things don’t come into my head.
“But now with this LGBT agenda, not just in schools, but across society, there is no debate, no questioning and there is only a one-way democracy.
“I loved being part of education and planning what was happening at the school. I am, however, at peace over the whole situation. I am not annoyed; I am only saddened that this is happening in this country.
“My faith in Jesus is very important to me in good and bad times – it is my be all and end all. I can do nothing without His help, and he makes my burden lighter. This is how my mum brought me up.”

No one is exempt from punishment

Andrea Williams, Chief Executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: “What has taken place at this school is a microcosm of what is happening across our society and sends a clear message to teachers, governors and students: if you oppose the LGBT agenda you will be silenced and punished.
“No one is exempt, not even a kind, caring and compassionate woman in her 70s who has dedicated her whole life to caring for others and increasing the life chances of children and improving her community.
“Such censure for merely questioning whether books with LGBT themes are appropriate for school libraries, and asking whether parents had been properly consulted, cannot go unchallenged. We call on the school to reinstate Mrs Griffith and issue a full apology.” Christian Concern.


Lifers Released To Kill Again.

Freed to kill again: Nearly 100 killers, rapists and paedophiles with life sentences have been released only to be jailed for life AGAIN. 

Impossible? - Hardly.

The 'Holy Grail' Is In Valencia Cathedral.

This beautiful bejewelled chalice is encrusted with rubies, giant pearls and emeralds.
Without any attached history, this goblet; this incredible artistic artefact would surely be worth at least several million pounds in its own right.
Let me take you back to the night before Jesus was crucified. An itinerant preacher without any significant funding had to hire a bog standard room to house the motley crew of working class guys who were his disciples.
In the midst of all this was a goblet which was, in today's money, worth millions. (Admittedly, there have clearly been later accretions.)
Have you ever heard a greater load of twaddle?

Jesus shunned personal wealth and did not respect the symbols of plutocrats yet we are expected to take all this at face value.

The 'holy grail' would have have probably been made of wood or simple clay pottery. The Valencia chalice is chalcedony which is just about feasible
Incidentally, why would any of the disciples have stolen the cup when, at that point, they did not even realise what the final outcome of the evening would have been?
After the arrest of Jesus, who would have been so cold-blooded as to go back looking for it? 
Would the hirer of the room have even known which of his crockery was used? 
Which multi-million pound chalice had been used to celebrate the Passover?
There are breaks in the history of this chalice of up to a quarter of a millennium. 

By the way, just a tiny side issue - but at what point did the New Testament church turn from the Scriptures and decide to venerate relics instead?

Dues The Electorate REALLY Get The MPs It Deserves?

Keith Vaz should be suspended for six months over cocaine scandal, says MPs' standards watchdog 

The Labour MP Keith Vaz is facing a six-month suspension from the Commons after a standards watchdog said he had damaged the reputation of Parliament by offering to buy cocaine for two male prostitutes.
Mr Vaz showed "disregard for the law" by offering to pay for the class A drug during a late-night assignation in 2016 and then tried to "throw dust in the eyes" of the Parliamentary investigation by offering a series of "ludicrous" and contradictory explanations.
The inquiry also found "compelling evidence" to suggest Mr Vaz paid for sex with male escorts on more than one occasion.
If the six-month suspension is confirmed by MPs it will be the longest ban served by any MP in history. Mr Vaz will... DT.

Monday, October 28, 2019

What Makes The Left Tick?

The reality behind leftwing politics.

"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it!"
HL Mencken.

(Consider too the huge overlap with climate change activism.)


Real Christmas Cards.

The Campaign For Real Christmas Cards is out and about once again.
Please honour The Saviour in all of the Christmas cards you send!

How Christmas Began.

Charles Dickens And Circumlocution.

Little Dorritt contains the oh-so-wonderful circumlocution office - a veritable ministry of naked bureaucracy, created out of utter pointlessness and designed to frustrate the citizenry whilst feathering the nests of the idle elite.
(You have to wonder what a latter day Dickens would have made of the European Union.)
If my latin were better I would of course know if my interpretation of 'circumlocution' as 'talking around in circles' were sufficiently valid.

Whoever Compiled This Is Asking For Trouble!

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Naughty Pastor Pete.

Blair Openly Admits The Truth.

Tony Blair stuns Remainers after admitting British trade deals will flourish outside EU.

FORMER Prime Minister Tony Blair has stunned his fellow Remainers by admitting that the British economy will continue to flourish even after Brexit - and even urging Remainers to "make the best of it".


I Know Far More Than Most About The Topic Than Most But I Do Not Care For Organised Shooting But This Plan Invites Environmental Carnage..

RSPB expected to announce opposition to game bird shooting as it faces backlash from countryside organisations. 

27 OCTOBER 2019 • Sunday Telegraph.
The RSPB is expected to voice its opposition to game bird shooting for the first time as it faces backlash from countryside organisations.
While the bird charity has spoken out about issues pertaining to wild birds on grouse moors, including hen harrier persecution, it has not taken a firm view on the shooting industry as a whole before.
Blogger: The problem here is that the tens of millions that shooting syndicates put into preservation of wildlife taken away could be a disaster, if lost.
True, shoots take on predators and a few go over the top - but there are so many songbirds under threat in such areas. The RSPB must know these facts.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

"Fossils Are Millions of Years Old."

How long to make a fossil?

Remember when you were at school? Remember how they told you that fossils take millions of years to produce? - Well, it is simply untrue.
They can be produced in months! I recently held a fossilised teddy bear which had been subjected to the right natural conditions and there it was!

This photo is of a hat taken from a mine in Tasmania which had been closed for 50 years - a bit longer than the teddy but still not quite millions, eh?
Today, I visited an evolutionist's website - a blog - which dealt with this issue.
It produced anger, bile, venom, bitterness and mockery of a fossilised Ted.
Sadly, it forgot to repudiate the point with any facts whatsoever.

Trust In Our Lord.

Personal Finance - Find That Godly Balance.

When it comes to guidance about saving money, the Bible uses the word “fool” to describe two extremes — not saving anything and saving too much.
In the first case, we’re told it’s foolish not to save:
“In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has” — Proverbs 21:20.
On the other hand, in the parable of the rich fool, Jesus cautioned against saving too much:
“Then he told them a story: ‘A rich man had a fertile farm that produced fine crops. He said to himself, What should I do? I don’t have room for all my crops. Then he said, I know! I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll have room enough to store all my wheat and other goods. And I’ll sit back and say to myself, My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry! But God said to him, You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?’” — Luke 12:16-20.
The more common form of foolishness
It’s safe to assume that more people are on the not-saving-enough end of the savings spectrum than on the saving-too-much end.
Federal Reserve research indicates that many people live paycheck to paycheck. According to the Fed's most recent “Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households,” nearly half of all Americans say they could not come up with $400 to pay for an emergency expense without having to sell something or borrow the money.
Practical steps
If you find it difficult to save, here are three keys to building a financial reserve.
• Open a separate savings account. Earmarking some of the money you keep in a checking account as “emergency savings” typically doesn’t work. Mingled money leaks. It gets used for other purposes. Establishing a separate account dedicated to emergency savings is much more effective.
Keep in mind, the purpose of this money isn’t to generate a high return; it’s to be readily accessible should an emergency arise. So, you don’t want your emergency fund tied up in investments that are not liquid (e.g., real estate), nor ones that could lose value in the short-term (e.g., stocks). Good ol’ savings accounts are usually best.
• Make savings a priority. There are five things you can do with money. You can spend it, pay debts with it, save it, invest it, or give it away. The order you choose makes a tremendous difference.
With every dollar you receive — before you spend any of it — commit to giving a portion and then saving a portion. That’s an effective, biblical approach to prioritizing your use of money.
• Make savings automatic. If you have to make the decision to save only one time — when you set up an automatic monthly transfer from checking to savings — that’s emotionally easier than having to decide anew whether to save each time you receive some money.
While the Bible isn’t specific about how much to keep in savings, it makes sense to maintain a reserve large enough to handle some of life’s tougher financial circumstances, such as an extended period of unemployment. Aim for stocking an emergency fund with enough savings to cover three to six months’ worth of essential living expenses.
Too much of a good thing
It may be more common for households to have too little in savings than too much, but there are some folks who take saving too far. Be honest with yourself. Would you say you base your sense of security or happiness, at least to a degree, on the amount of money you have in reserve? Deciding where the line is drawn between wise saving and foolish hoarding is not so much a matter of money as it is a matter of the heart.
Once you have an adequate emergency fund, such as six months’ worth of essential living expenses in a savings account, we recommend that you change your focus from saving to investing, but that’s where you may be tempted to overdo it and build bigger barns.
With all the scary headlines about many people not saving enough for their later years, and with healthcare costs looming as a great unknown, it’s easy to fall for the lie that you can never have too much in your retirement accounts. Just as saving too little can be detrimental, so can building up your savings if it becomes a preoccupation that causes an overemphasis on frugality, even at the cost of strained relationships. If that describes you, here are three recommended steps.
• Take this issue to the Lord. Ask for wisdom and greater faith in God’s provision and protection. Read, reflect on, and memorize verses, such as Psalm 91:2 (“I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’”).
• Seek accountability from a trusted friend. Ask your friend to pray for you, and give them permission to ask how you’re doing in this area from time to time.
• Give serious thought to your future needs. Having a personal financial plan that takes into account multiple possibilities can relieve anxiety about the future. Ideally, the process will lead you to a savings target that provides peace of mind — one that ensures you save enough, but also protects against needlessly saving too much. Such a plan can also allow you to be more generous.
Remember, it’s good stewardship to maintain a reserve of savings so you’re prepared for many of life’s inevitable twists and turns. The Bible says it’s foolish not to keep some money set aside, but equally foolish to let the good habit of saving money go too far.

© Sound Mind Investing

Just ASK The Lord For Some of Your Own.

PROTECT Your Children From Atheists!

If you’re a Christian, you already know the sad truth. Someone in your family (a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, niece, or nephew) has already walked away, in spite of all the years you spent raising them in the church. I believe we can change this alarming trajectory, but we have to be willing to address the problem head on.
If we are willing to do what it takes to respond to the trials facing the poor, the hungry, and the homeless, why won’t we do what it takes to respond to the challenges facing our own Christian family?
I often get emails from readers about my work and the questions arising from it. One young man recently sent this message:
My Dad was a Southern Baptist Preacher and while I was growing up I basically lived at the church. I knew all of the bible stories and was even baptized when I was eight … After graduating high school, I went to college to get a degree in mechanical engineering. One might think a degree of this kind would involve little to no discussion of whether or not God exists, or if Jesus was a real person, but I encountered these and many more objections.
I had a literature class where the professor gave a presentation on how Jesus was copied from other gods and how this explained away the “mythology” of Jesus. I had an electromagnetics course in which the professor viciously attacked the concept of intelligent design … I had a space technology class in which the professor vehemently argued for the existence of aliens but refused to acknowledge the existence of God. These are just a few examples from the many interactions I had with my professors …
Unfortunately, most of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are severely lacking in training, and when they encounter even the weakest arguments, they are not prepared … As a Christian in the college setting, you are being constantly challenged, constantly poked and prodded. It is easy to throw your hands in the air, becoming convinced your faith is a lie when you are being trampled every day by both professors and by peers.
All Christians, but especially ones in college, must know what they believe and why they believe it if they have any hope of surviving with their faith intact … I think of college almost like an atheist ambush. The Christians are walking in totally unaware of the danger until it is too late and the damage has already been done.
That’s why I wanted to take the time to thank you … When I entered college, I was struggling with many of the objections I encountered. I discovered your podcast and your careful research. The evidentiary approach was incredibly helpful. As a result, I actually exited college with my faith even stronger than when I began. I want to encourage you to keep up the good work.
Young Christians struggle when challenged (as Andrew did), but this doesn’t have to be the case. If properly equipped, they could actually grow in their faith and confidence, even in the midst of strong opposition. You and I have the opportunity to reach the young people we love, including young Christians like this young man, if we are willing to embrace the mission.
Our children, and our brothers and sisters in Christ, are in the right place; they believe something true. If they’ve come to understand their own need for a Savior and have repented and placed their trust in Jesus alone for their salvation, they are saved for eternity.
But if they haven’t taken the time to study why Christianity is true, they will be ill-equipped to answer objections and less than persuasive with a group that requires far more evidence than ever before. We have to change the course of the church in order to meet this challenge, and the church is much more like an ocean liner than a jet ski. We cannot turn it on a dime.
Instead, we must make small course corrections—one degree here and one degree there. We must come alongside the church as a tugboat and shift the direction of our ocean liner one degree at a time.
