Monday, October 28, 2019

I Know Far More Than Most About The Topic Than Most But I Do Not Care For Organised Shooting But This Plan Invites Environmental Carnage..

RSPB expected to announce opposition to game bird shooting as it faces backlash from countryside organisations. 

27 OCTOBER 2019 • Sunday Telegraph.
The RSPB is expected to voice its opposition to game bird shooting for the first time as it faces backlash from countryside organisations.
While the bird charity has spoken out about issues pertaining to wild birds on grouse moors, including hen harrier persecution, it has not taken a firm view on the shooting industry as a whole before.
Blogger: The problem here is that the tens of millions that shooting syndicates put into preservation of wildlife taken away could be a disaster, if lost.
True, shoots take on predators and a few go over the top - but there are so many songbirds under threat in such areas. The RSPB must know these facts.
