Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The 'Holy Grail' Is In Valencia Cathedral.

This beautiful bejewelled chalice is encrusted with rubies, giant pearls and emeralds.
Without any attached history, this goblet; this incredible artistic artefact would surely be worth at least several million pounds in its own right.
Let me take you back to the night before Jesus was crucified. An itinerant preacher without any significant funding had to hire a bog standard room to house the motley crew of working class guys who were his disciples.
In the midst of all this was a goblet which was, in today's money, worth millions. (Admittedly, there have clearly been later accretions.)
Have you ever heard a greater load of twaddle?

Jesus shunned personal wealth and did not respect the symbols of plutocrats yet we are expected to take all this at face value.

The 'holy grail' would have have probably been made of wood or simple clay pottery. The Valencia chalice is chalcedony which is just about feasible
Incidentally, why would any of the disciples have stolen the cup when, at that point, they did not even realise what the final outcome of the evening would have been?
After the arrest of Jesus, who would have been so cold-blooded as to go back looking for it? 
Would the hirer of the room have even known which of his crockery was used? 
Which multi-million pound chalice had been used to celebrate the Passover?
There are breaks in the history of this chalice of up to a quarter of a millennium. 

By the way, just a tiny side issue - but at what point did the New Testament church turn from the Scriptures and decide to venerate relics instead?
