Sunday, October 20, 2019

Washington, Sheffield and Prostitution.

Sex trafficking survivors fight against bill to decriminalize prostitution in nation's capital

Hundreds of sex-trafficking survivors are pushing back against a bill that would decriminalize prostitution, euphemistically called "sex work," in the nation's capital.
Blogger: It certainly goes against everything I think and believe but I must be honest enough to ask the question as to whether the legalisation of controlled brothels is the least worst option? This would only improve the current situation, however, were streetwalkers to be swept from the streets into licensed and controlled premises where gangsters, pimps and drugs culture would not hold sway. Sleazy 'clubs' would also need to be targeted at the same time.
Currently, the only reason why streetwalkers can walk the streets soliciting is because the police prefer to leave well alone. These girls are targets for drugs dealers, the violent and the murderous. Police must be forced to do their job. There is no doubt whatsoever that associated crimes would fall. Simply targeting 'the johns' is not sufficient.
This way forward is, most emphatically, not my preferred route but it may well be a realistic way forward.
When I was a magistrate, in an entire decade, I think I only ever saw one prostitute brought before the court for soliciting. If you do not attack the root causes, do not be surprised that Sheffield and Washington share some very serious problems.
