Saturday, October 19, 2019

Please Pray Today For Our Nation.

It has principally been the left which has tried to subvert the will of the people with Brexit. They have threatened our very democracy and must not be permitted to win.
Three and a half years of progress have been wiped out by their wicked intransigence. Combine this with the insanity of putting a remainer, Theresa May, in charge of negotiations and you had created a recipe for absolute disaster.
Today Parliament will vote. Should they fail to pass Boris's bill I shudder for the future.
Sure, it is not what we voted for when both leavers and remainers told us precisely what 'out' actually meant, prior to the vote but it is far superior to staying in the thrice-cursed Union. The despoilers who wished to remain attached to: evil; dishonesty; astonishing wastes of money; loss of sovereignty et al have used the vilest of tactics to prevent the will of the people being accomplished.
Today is the day. Pray that the vote passes through The House of Commons. Even if you voted 'in' originally, you must see the humongous threat to our democratic system if the bill should fail.
If there should be a tie - this man will have the casting vote!

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...