Friday, November 01, 2019

Fabianism - The Very Heart of The Labour Party Today.

Fabian Socialism Explained In The Terrifying Words of HG Wells.

"The men of the New Republic will not be squeamish either in facing or inflicting death… They will have an ideal that will make killing worthwhile; like Abraham, they will have the faith to kill, and they will have no superstitions about death… They will hold, I anticipate, that a certain portion of the population exists only on sufferance out of pity and patience, and on the understanding that they do not propagate; and I do not foresee any reason to suppose that they will hesitate to kill when that sufferance is abused… All such killings will be done with an opiate… If deterrent punishments are used at all in the code of the future, the deterrent will neither be death, nor mutilation of the body… but good scientifically caused pain."
Nobody must be fooled by socialism, and in particular, The Fabian Society. Look carefully at their Coat of Arms - A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing.

Grooming Gangs - What Has REALLY Been Happening!

DAN HODGES: The moral case for a full judicial inquiry into the grooming gangs scandal is unanswerable... but this is the REAL reason Labour...