Thursday, June 30, 2022

Is This Blind Ignorance or Just Unfettered Malice? - I Suppose It Could Be Both.

 PCUSA committee passes resolution declaring Israel's treatment of Palestinians 'apartheid'

A Presbyterian Church (USA) committee has passed a resolution declaring Israel an apartheid state at its General Assembly Tuesday. 

The motion was one of several related to the Middle East policy taken up by the assembly's International Engagement Committee during the mainline Protestant denomination's annual gathering in Louisville, Kentucky. 

John Chau Honoured Posthumously.

Slain American missionary John Chau to be honored on 'Day of the Christian Martyr'.

John Chau
John Chau in an undated photo | 

A prominent Christian persecution advocacy organization will honor the legacy and sacrifice of American missionary John Chau, who lost his life while taking the Gospel to a remote island in the Indian Ocean in 2018. 

On Wednesday, Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization serving persecuted Christians around the world, will add Chau's name to the 60-foot-long granite Martyr's Memorial at the ministry headquarters in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

Guilt Unproven - Press For Punishments Before Proof! (Shows what kind of people we are dealing with!)



Racism is wrong – and so is the rush to judge Michael Vaughan

Tuesday June 28 2022, 10.00pm, The Times
Michael Vaughan has “stepped back” from his role at the BBC, it was announced on Tuesday night. He now awaits a hearing in September that will seek to establish the truth of accusations of racism made against him. Some will say that this was a sensible decision by Vaughan given the online furore. But I would suggest that the rush to judgment by many – both online and beyond – has been a disappointing, if not entirely surprising, development.
One particular letter that caught my eye was from the BBC Sport’s Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) group which described the original decision to allow Vaughan to continue his commentary duties while the legal process is ongoing as “excruciating, overwhelming and unbearable”. Times.

Hmm. Imports FELL From EU. Because We Have Four Score More International Trading Deals Than Before!

 The introduction of new post-Brexit trading rules last year caused a "major shock" to UK-EU trade, a study claims. The research from the LSE Centre for Economic Performance found UK imports from the EU fell by 25% relative to those from elsewhere in 2021.2022

Blogger: the LSE is not a university I feel that I can trust.



Rely Not on The Very Dubious 'Wisdom of Men'.


Kidnapped Christian, Leah Sharibu, Remains in Our Prayers AFTER EIGHT YEARS!


Advocacy in action: Campaigning for Leah Sharibu and safe schools
We’ve been requesting a meeting with the Nigerian High Commissioner in London ever since our Safe Schools protest last October. This meeting finally took place on 12 May, and gave us a key opportunity to raise the issue of school abductions in Nigeria.
Our Parliamentary Officer Marguerite also handed the High Commissioner a letter, urging greater action to rescue Leah Sharibu from the terrorists who abducted her in 2014 before the end of President Buhari’s tenure next year. Leah was declared a ‘slave for life’ after refusing to renounce her faith in exchange for her freedom – yet during the meeting the High Commissioner insisted there are no issues with religion in Nigeria. Clearly this is not the case.
We will keep pushing for action for Leah Sharibu, and so many others suffering because of their religious beliefs in Nigeria. Your support enables this vital advocacy to continue – thank you! CSW.

The Radiance Foundation Is Cheered By A Hint of Justice For Still Babies.

How this pro-life activist felt when Roe got aborted.

Supreme Court, AbortionPro-life supporters hug outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on June 24, 2022. - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. | 
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. I had to keep reloading the Supreme Court’s official page. Was today finally going to be the day that justice would be done?
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Every 10 minutes the Highest Court in the land incites high blood pressure on Order Issuance Day. Famously giving a play-by-play on SCOTUSblog, those posting their thoughts and predictions had no more insight than I did.
Refresh. Refresh. Re-. There it was. Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization! My heart pounded in disbelief. The final ruling had been released! Just as I was going to click on the link, my phone rang. It was my wife, Bethany, crying. I could hear a lot of noise in the background. She couldn’t get her words out. For a moment, I was terrified. It’s crazy how a split-second can feel like eternity.
“They did it. They did it. Roe was overturned,” she said weeping.
My soul cried out: “Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!”
Bethany was at the annual Pro-Life Women’s Conference and had to go, but we shared that historic moment as a couple who have been fighting this battle for years with everything within us. Through death threats, smeared reputations, losses of life-long friendships, near bankruptcy, health collapse, lawsuits, and triumphs … we knew we would one day see this day. We just didn’t know the time was right around that seemingly elusive corner.
How many people give up just moments before the awaited miracle? How many retreat from the battle when the other side was just about to raise the white flag?
When we stepped into this fight through the organization we created — The Radiance Foundation — we quickly learned what Scripture means when it says: “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” We never could have made it on our own. That strength is not natural. It’s supernatural.  
That’s what this whole battle for Life is about. It’s far beyond the political. It’s spiritual. The world claims “you’re strong” but then peddles weakness. It casts the sacrifice of others as empowering, but it’s merely a lie stitched together by weak euphemisms. Our national wound, 64 million lives deep, can never be healed by hucksters offering their latest pink bandages of fake feminism. It can only be healed by a renewing of our hearts and minds, prompted by moral laws and a spiritual revival. CP.

As A Christian, I Am Generally Disapproving of Schadenfreude But ...

I have watched this summer's cricket on Sky TV and I do not know where the blame lies. It may be Sky, it may be the TCCB - or perhaps, worse - a joint effort.

Politically correct language has now become de rigueur for all commentators.

Initially, I was sickened to hear batsmen being referred to as 'batters' - a harsh, grating term from the Antipodes. 

As the women cricketers may not have wanted to be called batsmen any longer - I could just about put up with their use  of 'batters' which has crept into the game over several years.

Why the need for batsMEN to be renamed? What sane, positive outcome can this possibly achieve?

All the many people I know who follow cricket are seething - but the march of the loony left ever marches onwards.

                                                   Ooh. A quartet of batspersons!

Last night, in the women's test v South Africa - Mrs Blogger suddenly reacted with irritation and incredulity. I had missed the commentator referring to the possible use of a 'night watcher' instead of a 'night watchman.' - Simply unbelievable!

Schadenfreude, though! - Yes. Sadly, I must admit to crowing with delight every time a commentator slips up, uses the correct word and then has to correct the slip.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

More Vocal, Huh?

Meghan Markle says MEN need to be 'more vocal' with their anger in wake of the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade decision as she describes Prince Harry's reaction to the news as 'guttural' in Vogue interview.

Blogger: but Meghan, this man has never shut up about the horrors of the casual butchery of children since 1973. 

What more could I have possibly done? I have been angry about these atrocities for the entire time I have been a Christian.

You are right. We must be angry that so many states will continue murder of the weak and helpless - the majority in the pathetic name of personal convenience.

A WW2 holocaust - multiplied many times over.

UK Baptist Church - Their End Is in Sight. The Latest Church To Seek Out Cult Status. I Could Weep!

The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) has begun a process of reflection on whether ministers should be allowed to marry their same-sex partners.
Current rules forbid BUGB ministers from entering into same-sex marriages.
Appendix 3 Section 4.3 of the Ministerial Recognition Rules addresses sexual misconduct and includes "sexual intercourse and other genital sexual activity outside of marriage (as defined exclusively as between a man and a woman)". 
A formal request has been made to amend the clause by removing the words "as defined exclusively as between a man and a woman". CT.

Considerably Better Than The UK - But Still Pretty Ordinary.

Number of Americans who believe in God dips to new low - Gallup.

Anugrah Kumar  21 June 2022.
(Photo: Getty/iStock)
While 81% of American adults say they believe in God, the percentage has dropped 6 points since 2017 and is the lowest since the Gallup polling firm started asking the question more than seven decades ago.
Gallup says when it first asked the question in 1947 and twice in the 1950s and 1960s, a consistent 98% said they believed in God. In 2011, the percentage declined to 92%. In 2013, 2014 and 2017, it dipped to 87%.
"Belief in God has fallen the most in recent years among young adults and people on the left of the political spectrum (liberals and Democrats). These groups show drops of 10 or more percentage points comparing the 2022 figures to an average of the 2013-2017 polls," the poll results say.
The poll notes that only 72% of Democrats, 62% of liberals and 68% of young people believe in God.
"Belief in God is highest among political conservatives (94%) and Republicans (92%), reflecting that religiosity is a major determinant of political divisions in the U.S., it adds.
Looking at belief in God region-wise, the poll found that the South has the highest number with 86%, but it is down from 93% in 2017. The region with the lowest number is the East, with 78%.
Gallup also asked whether God hears prayers and whether God intervenes when people pray.
About half of those who believe in God say God hears prayers and can intervene on a person's behalf. But 28% say God hears prayers but cannot intervene, and 11% think God does neither.
The poll also found that nearly three-quarters of the most religious Americans — defined as those who attend religious services every week — say they believe God hears prayers and can intervene, as do slightly more than half of conservatives and Republicans, as well as 25% of liberals and 32% of Democrats.
Further, only 30% of young adults believe God hears prayers and can intervene.
In conclusion, the poll notes, "While belief in God has declined in recent years, Gallup has documented steeper drops in church attendancechurch membership and confidence in organized religion, suggesting that the practice of religious faith may be changing more than basic faith in God."
Last December, Gallup found that 49% of Americans said religion was "very important" in their life, with another 27% saying it was "fairly important" and 25% saying it's "not very important."
Gallup noted that when it first asked this question in 1965, 70% said religion was very important. That fell to 52% in a 1978 survey — though the percentage ticked up to near 60% between 1990 and 2005, before declining in the past 15 years.

Christian History: Keswick.



There's No Need To Strive.


Great Advice.

Can I ask God for a confirmation?

  • You too can be led by God’s Spirit if you pray, stay, and obey. Pray for confirmation, apply the points previously mentioned, use wisdom, wait on God, seek godly counsel, and make sure your decision is based on the Word of God. God loves to lead those who are willing to follow. CP.

Abortions: Safer To Have or Not To Have?

There is one way to tell which is safer, abortion or no-abortion. 

No one dies in no-abortion but at least one person dies in every abortion.

Video: Octopuses Strolling Along Welsh Beach.

See What China Has Done To Hong Kong: The World Must Support Taiwan.

 Viewers in the UK can watch BBC Panorama, Hong Kong: Life Under the Crackdown Tuesday 28 June at 8.30pm on BBC One and afterwards on BBC iPlayer.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Luvvies Are Currently in Full Bleat Mode Over Roe v Wade With Oodles of Overstatement and Much Stomach Churning Propaganda.

 Only one problem.

Rather strangely, they seem to think that abortion has been abolished in the US.

They need to be told that there will still be loadsa states in which they will freely be able to murder their unborn children. 
Phew, what a relief, eh?

An Amen To That Headline!

Schools should not be downgraded for failing to teach 'gender diversity', says Christian Institute.

Staff writer   23 June 2022 
The Christian Institute has voiced concern over reports that teaching on gender is affecting the grading of schools by Ofsted.
The Telegraph reports that schools have been downgraded by the regulator over a lack of teaching on "gender diversity", "gender reassignment" and "gender identity". 
The newspaper analysed pre-Covid inspections and found that this issue featured "prominently" in the reports of several schools that failed to receive the top grade. 
The Christian Institute's Education Officer John Denning said it was wrong to downgrade schools over their refusal to promote radical transgender ideology. 
Mr Denning said: "Ofsted has had a long history with Stonewall, causing major problems for some schools with a religious ethos and pushing a skewed approach in all schools.
"The content of the curriculum is exempt from the Equality Act but academies and fee paying schools in England are required by separate legislation to promote principles which encourage respect for other people, paying particular regard to the nine protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act.
"Promoting respect for people is not the same as promoting Stonewall's view on the two protected characteristics of sexual orientation and gender reassignment, the only ones on which Ofsted generally comments. Doing so breaches schools' duties of political impartiality and respect for parents' and children's beliefs.
"Statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education also tells schools they should 'teach about LGBT', but that it is up to them to judge when to do this. There is no requirement it is covered in primary schools." 
The inspections analysed by The Telegraph pre-date Osted's decision to leave Stonewall's controversial pro-trans 'Diversity Champions' scheme last year.
The Christian Institute said the newspaper's findings were evidence of the influence of "Stonewall dogma".
Mr Denning added, "It's about time Ofsted started focussing on inspecting schools' compliance with English law, not 'Stonewall Law'." CT.



Let God Work in and Through You.


Yey For Tammy!

Evangelical Covenant Church denomination elects first female president.

Tammy Swanson-Draheim
Leaders of the Evangelical Covenant Church, which has about 900 congregations in the U.S. and Canada, elected the Rev. Tammy Swanson-Draheim to be the denomination’s first female president, according to an announcement by the Chicago-based group.
Swanson-Draheim was voted in by a 20-1 margin at the ECC’s 136th Annual Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, on Thursday, the denomination said in a statement. CP.

Scripturally Correct.

Killer who stabbed Coptic priest in Egypt sentenced to death by Egyptian court. Convict said to have shouted jihadist slogan as he stabbed clergyman.

Boris and The Brexit-Supporting Leftist.

Boris gave Mick Lynch the Brexit he wanted.

Instead of tearing up the Brussels rulebook, the PM chose to protect industry and build socialism.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Bairstow & Leech.

Some awesome batting by Bairstow - culminating in 233 runs in the match for once out.

10 wickets for left arm spinner Jack Leech.

Great bowling from Potts and superb captaincy from Ben Stokes.

A seven wicket cruise to victory AND a 3 - 0 whitewash in the series.

Phew! Well played, England!

Elton John.

We have recently been treated to an overfilled barrowload of political diarrhoea from the undertalented, self-absorbed, Elton John.

The grasp of political and economic matters by this super-mediocre, vastly overrated performer appears to be truly magnificent. 
He was brilliantly able to link our current economic misfortunes to Brexit. (He really must be getting his information from total numpties.)

Strange, innit, how so many other nations across the world who have not Brexited are also suffering far greater inflation?

But, let's take the EU overall: their inflation is running at 8.8%.
Our inflation is just 0.3% higher. 
A tiny price to pay for not being bossed by Brussels and not long ago, we had given more money and weapons to Ukraine than the entire EU put together! No economic drag onto the UK economy there!

I do rather wish that Elton would just stick to his caterwauling.


 From a former Muslim: Advice on sharing the Gospel in a hostile world.

Overcoming the Fear of Witnessing to Muslims
In today’s society, we see a growing intolerance for opposing viewpoints. The mainstream media and predominantly woke culture wants to intimidate Christians into silence. Defending biblical values can lead to social isolation or difficulties at work, which is why so many decide to say nothing. Instead, we suffer quietly as our kids are inundated with demonic influences, and our communities are torn apart by rampant sin and uncontrolled self-interest.
In such a climate, how do we preach the Gospel and provide the message of hope, peace, and love to a world that so desperately needs it? I often grapple with this question as I interact with fellow parents, three teenagers at home, and an entire family of Muslims that does not accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
In the field of apologetics, many noteworthy scholars have spent decades mastering the intellectual skill of defending the Bible in virtually any setting — whether it’s a college campus or outside an Islamic center. I genuinely admire their skill and tenacity against a very hostile audience, yet they never back down or capitulate to the opposition. However, that dynamic is not for everyone. It can be intimidating, and frankly, I am drawn to finding another way.
I recently met a born-again Christian woman who is married to a Muslim. When they were first married over a decade ago, she was not following the Lord, so religion was never an issue. Now that she regularly attends church and has a new passion for the Lord, she is eager to have her husband join her. He is a devout Muslim and well versed in the Muslim commentaries on Christianity, which provide him plenty of ammunition against her newfound faith in Christ. She took him to meet with a pastor who could answer his objections, but her husband did not budge an inch. Frustrated by the situation, she came to me for advice. I listened to how he compared Islam to Christianity, and I was convicted that trying to battle him intellectually was counterproductive.
Here are several overarching principles that apply to her situation and how to prayerfully consider sharing the Gospel in today’s world.
First and foremost, we must remember, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).We accept Christ because God called us to faith. None of us have the power to make anyone else believe. God does it. We remain obedient to His word while still realizing that “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18). We do not stop believing the person can be saved, but if our words are not getting through, our actions may be more effective than arguments.
This takes us to the second principle. “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (Colossians 3:12).We are commanded to preach the Gospel, but our character should reflect why we call others to believe in Him. Suppose we have patience in a heated disagreement or grant forgiveness in a conflict, even when it isn’t our fault. That behavior can spark an interest or curiosity well beyond a crafty rebuttal to their position. This is what I conveyed to my new friend. “Let your husband watch how Christ transforms you. Be the role model for your kids. Show them why Jesus is so wonderful compared to what their father offers.”
This leads to the third principle — using wisdom and discernment. Recently, my church asked if I could help develop their new local outreach to Muslim program. One participant told me how he felt totally overwhelmed when witnessing to a Muslim who was also very devout and proceeded to fire off many false criticisms of the Gospel. I have been in that situation numerous times, and though I am well versed in the rebuttals to those arguments, I often hear the Lord say, “Do not cast your pearls before swine.” I then politely conclude the discussion and change the subject.

Repeatedly sharing the Gospel with someone who ridicules Christ is like casting pearls before swine. There is no benefit to giving the message of salvation to someone who has no other purpose than to insult it and return to their evil ways. We can identify such people through discernment and must consciously be open to hearing from God, so we graciously bow out of the fight. It does not mean we concede to their false doctrine. Still, we should sense that continuing the discussion will only lead to further strife and risks the opportunity of reaching more open individuals who may be around listening or watching. Jesus taught the apostles how to handle rejection. It was to simply go elsewhere. “And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town” (Mathew 10:14).
In summary, our passion for sharing the free gift of salvation offered through faith in Christ should be tempered by the qualities we are granted through our new life in Him. We are to be wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. Preaching in a fallen world requires a delicate balance of humility, brotherly love, and discernment. We should be prayerful and wise to distinguish when He presents us with an open door or a door that only He can shut. Ultimately the choice is His. “In love, he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:3-6). CP.
Hedieh Mirahmadi was a devout Muslim for two decades working in the field of national security before she experienced the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and has a new passion for sharing the Gospel.  She dedicates herself full-time to Resurrect Ministry, an online resource that harnesses the power of the Internet to make salvation through Christ available to people of all nations, and her daily podcast

Sinless Perfection in Human Beings? - WHAT?! - A Totally Absurd Doctrine.

 Charles Spurgeon Deals With Man Who Believed in Sinless Perfection.

I love the story of Charles Spurgeon when he was a speaker at a conference along with another man, who publicly proclaimed that Christians could reach a place of sinless perfection where they no longer struggled with sin because they were perfected in the love of God. The speaker went on to suggest modestly that he had realized this in his own life. Spurgeon said nothing, but the next morning, at breakfast time, he crept up behind the man and poured a jug of milk on his head. He quickly discovered that the man still had his sinful nature!” (Gary Inrig. Hearts of Iron, Feet of Clay. Chicago: Moody Press, 1979, page 158).

"No Such Thing As Human Rights?" - A Very Interesting Take on The Matter.

Release Int. Televised.


01 Jun 2022




 OCR, one of England’s three main exam boards, has announced a reform to its English literature syllabus to make way for “exciting and diverse” new poems. It has included 15 new works, retained 30 and removed 15. New names include British-Jamaican poet Raymond Antrobus, as well as Ukrainian-American poet Ilya Kaminsky.

Blogger: my English Teacher wife informs me that adjustments had been made to 'ethnic balancing' in all the exam boards she used when still teaching ten+ years ago.


(The word 'diverse' as used today fills me with fear.)

Azeem Rafiq.

Azeem Rafiq apologises for antisemitic messages sent to another player in 2011.

  • Reported by the Times.
  • Rafiq tweets apology: ‘I have absolutely no excuses’
Azeem Rafiq has apologised for messages he sent to another player in 2011.
Azeem Rafiq has apologised for messages he sent to another player in 2011. Photograph: Parliament TV
Thu 18 Nov 2021.
Azeem Rafiq has apologised after it was revealed he had sent antisemitic messages to a fellow cricketer more than a decade ago.
The former Yorkshire spin bowler has won widespread praise for his resolve and courage in exposing the issue of racial discrimination in cricket and appeared before a parliamentary select committee this week to reveal his own bitter experiences during his playing days at Headingley.
The 30-year-old named a number of high-profile individuals during his Westminster appearance but, on Thursday, he was forced to confront his own shortcomings in the past when The Times (£) uncovered an exchange with former Warwickshire and Leicestershire player Ateeq Javid.
Historical messages with Javid were revealed when the then 19-year-old Rafiq accused a third player of being reluctant to spend money at a team dinner because “he is a Jew”.
He added the player would “probs go after my 2nds [second helping of food] again ha”, adding: “Only Jews do that sort of shit.”
The timing of the revelations come during a watershed week for the sport when it has been forced to confront its attitudes towards racism and bullying, following Rafiq’s testimony. Apologising for the incident, Rafiq said on Twitter: “I was sent an image of this exchange from early 2011 today. I have gone back to check my account and it is me – I have absolutely no excuses. Guardian.

Blogger: I am troubled by this young man who has, rather ironically, made claims of 'racism' against Yorkshire Cricket Club.
He claims to have been suicidal in the aftermath of this and yet, by all modern definitions - was caught bang to rights as a racist himself. (Hopefully - this is now something which we can now safely assume is in the past tense.)
Whilst he can apologise for his nasty anti-semitism and receive what appears to be immediate forgiveness - others have been sacked and turned into long-term pariahs.

I really hope that there is no double standard here.

Mercy Muroki: One of My Favourites on GB News.


Paedo groomers like the perverted Rotherham gang should be behind bars until death or deportation.

Rochdale ringleader Shabir Ahmed had been given a job as a council welfare rights officerCredit: PA:Press Association
The eight-year, £6million investigation into the town’s grooming gangs scandal detailed how more than 1,400 girls were systematically failed by the police for years.
Over a decade and a half, the force “failed to protect vulnerable children” from the sexual deviance of predatory gangs of men, mostly of Pakistani heritage. But it didn’t stop there.
Adding to the tally of exposés came a separate review this week, commissioned by Oldham Council into an abuse ring in the Greater Manchester town.
That report revealed that Shabir Ahmed, the ringleader of a notorious grooming gang in nearby Rochdale, had been left free to work as a welfare rights officer in the council.
This was despite claims of sexual abuse being levelled at him for several years. Police failed to tell his employers.
The monster raped and trafficked girls as young as 13 across the North until he was eventually banged up for his crimes.
The spine-chilling chronicle of abuse that young, working-class girls have been subjected to at the hands of men so morally depraved doesn’t bear thinking about.
But we MUST think about it.
If anything, the culture of cowardice and secrecy that has long surrounded discussion about Asian grooming gang scandals is an affront to justice.
And it means these men have not received the level of indignation that they rightfully deserve.
How many people are aware that many of these paedo gang members are back on our streets?
Where is the outpouring of outrage that they continue to avoid taking full accountability for their crimes — and that our justice system allows it?

Human rights fanatics

It’s sickening enough that young, vulnerable girls were plied with drink and drugs and passed around like ragdolls between paedophiles.
It’s revolting that those girls, some as young as 12, were intimidated, beaten and even gang-raped for sport, and sometimes cash.
And that the police turned a blind eye to the child victims and their parents.
Officers saw older Asian men with young girls as just a “fad” that would pass, with many too cowardly to call out South Asian perpetrators for fear of stirring up racial tensions.
But just when you think the diabolical exploitation of young girls at the hands of these men isn’t harrowing enough, it gets worse.
Because, when you are dealing with a legal system like ours, so full of laughing-stock sentences and bleeding-heart activist lawyers, things can always get worse.
So, to add insult to injury, it has also been revealed this week that grooming gang members released from prison are continuing to exploit our soft-touch legal systems to swerve deportation.
Adil Khan has claimed deportation would breach his human rightsCredit: PA:Press Association
One convict from the prolific paedo posse of Rochdale, Adil Khan, who served four years after getting a 13-year-old girl pregnant, has invoked “human rights” to avoid being deported back to Pakistan.
It’s not the first time he and his sex-offender ilk have mounted legal challenges against their deportation.
In a hearing this week, the 51-year-old pervert claimed that it was wrong for him to be deported because of his right to a “family life”.
He said he had to remain in Britain in order to be a “role model” for his son and to teach him right from wrong.
Khan wouldn’t know “right” if it walked up to him in broad daylight and kicked him in the nether regions.
Shame on our justice system for entertaining this immoral, conniving behaviour.
Shame on the militant human rights fanatics who constantly put the well-being of criminals before the well-being of victims.
Khan and his paedophile pals should have been thrown straight into a cab to the airport and on to the first flight back to their home countries the moment their prison doors were unlocked.
In fact, the only two options for foreign child rapists, traffickers and groomers should be death behind bars or deportation on release.
Not the measly single-digit terms too often handed out.
Until we bring the full force of the law raining down on the heads of these predatory packs of men in our towns and cities, I have no doubt this will not be the last column I write about a grooming scandal.
Our politicians should stop being so spineless and send a long overdue, zero-tolerance message to these barbarians. If you come to this country and traffic, abuse and rape our children, you will either die behind bars, or be on the first deportation flight out of Britain the second your sentence is over.

From bad to verse

OCR, one of the GCSE exam boards, has removed famous works by white male poets John Keats, Philip Larkin and others as part of a move to “represent diverse voices”.
The board says “of the 15 poets whose work has been added, 14 are poets of colour”, adding, “our new poets also include disabled and LGBTQ+ voices”.
What has which way someone swings sexually or how dark their skin is got to do with the quality of their poetry?
Just because I’m a black woman doesn’t mean I’m more likely to resonate with poems written by black women.
“I thought that poem was absolute rubbish, but now I know it was written by someone the same colour and sex as me, I think it’s a work of genius,” said no one, ever.
What reductive, moralising nonsense.
I’m all for giving kids exposure to people of different cultures and colours but, for the love of God, I wish they’d at least do it in a way that isn’t so patronising and so bloomin’ transparent. The Sun.

But At What Cost? - Surrender To Islam?