Friday, June 24, 2022

Further Increase in Abortion Butchery.

Over 200,000 Terminations: Government Lockdown Partial Cause of Record Number of Abortions in 2021 – Claim.

Official statistics have revealed that England and Wales saw a record number
 of abortions in 2021, with one expert in the field blaming the rise on the 
pandemic and government lockdown rules.
Far from the baby-boom some predicted early in lockdown, Britain has 
actually experienced an abortion boom. Over 200,000 abortions were 
carried out in Wales and England in 2021, government statistics 
released on Tuesday have revealed, marking a new all-time high for
 abortion in the two UK home nations.
Some operating in the UK’s abortion sector have put the increase down 
to a worsening financial situation in the UK, with one professional 
blaming the pandemic as well as government lockdown rules for the rise.
According to documents put out by the UK’s Office for Health 
Improvement & Disparities, a total of 214,256 were recorded 
as taking place in Wales and England last year, up from 209,917 
in 2020.
This is reportedly roughly equivalent to 18.6 abortions per 1000
 women aged between 15 and 44 in 2021.
Abortions were highest for 22-year-old women, with the age group
 reportedly seeing 31 abortions occur for every 1,000 women last year.
Government statistics also revealed that at least 99 per cent 
of abortions carried out across two nations last year were
 paid for by the British taxpayer through the UK’s NHS socialised
 healthcare service, with many of these terminations then being 
contracted out to third parties. Breitbart.

Learning From Joseph.