We have recently been treated to an overfilled barrowload of political diarrhoea from the undertalented, self-absorbed, Elton John.
The grasp of political and economic matters by this super-mediocre, vastly overrated performer appears to be truly magnificent.
He was brilliantly able to link our current economic misfortunes to Brexit. (He really must be getting his information from total numpties.)
Strange, innit, how so many other nations across the world who have not Brexited are also suffering far greater inflation?
But, let's take the EU overall: their inflation is running at 8.8%.
Our inflation is just 0.3% higher.
A tiny price to pay for not being bossed by Brussels and not long ago, we had given more money and weapons to Ukraine than the entire EU put together! No economic drag onto the UK economy there!
I do rather wish that Elton would just stick to his caterwauling.