Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Christian Response Which Is Spot On, William - Nothing Less!

CofE bishops have walked away from the authority of God’s word. We can no longer walk with them.

By William Taylor, Rector, St Helen's Bishopsgate.
St Helen’s Bishopsgate has become the latest high profile CofE church to announce it is breaking from the House of Bishops over same sex relationships. In a video posted on their social media, Rev William Taylor explained their decision, and what comes next. Read the full transcript below
In December 2020, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) at St Helens announced that, as a church, we were in broken partnership with the House of Bishops.
The teaching and action of a number of bishops in the Church of England with regards to marriage and human sexuality, together with our own bishop’s unwillingness to publically speak against this teaching and action, caused this broken partnership.
Recently, the Bishop of London has confirmed her views through speeches at General Synod and in answer to questions at press conferences and on national radio. Her statement, that the Church is silent on the matter of sexual activity in same sex relationships, is not silence. It speaks volumes.

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