Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Morally Indefensible! - (In a proper society such evil should end at the gallows.)


Inside machine gun killer’s prison cell as he brags about kitted-out room with two games consoles.

A MACHINE gun killer who murdered a drug gang rival has shared a social media video of his prison cell complete with two X-Boxes.
Mohamud Mohamud gave his Snapchat followers a tour of his kitted-out room in Shotts nick where he is serving 25 years for a brutal slaughter in Edinburgh.
A police mugshot of machine gun maniac Mohamud MohamudCredit: CollectMohamud Mohamud poses for the camera inside his cell in Shotts nick.Victim Mohammed Abdi, 25, was gunned down in cold blood
The killer also posed up with other caged thugs in an illicit mobile phone photo celebrating their “gang activity” in the notorious Lanarkshire jail.
In the 28-second long film captured on what’s understood to be a non-prison issued mobile, Mohamud pans round his cell.
He then appears to slur, as he says: “I’ve got 360 and the old X-Box as well, you know what I mean, for my tunes.
“F****n, I had a hard drive… my f***** hard drive got taken away, so I’m f**** gutted, man. I ended up getting one of these.”
He then reaches inside one of the consoles and pulls out a micro storage disc and holds it up to the camera.
In another photo posted on social media, Mohamud grins as he poses in a yellow Chelsea top with three other caged crims.
The jail pals have captioned the image “gang activity’s” as they stare into the lens with a skull and crossbones pirate flag behind them on the wall.
In another photo Mohamud has on a blue Chelsea tracksuit as he stands with his arms outstretched in his single cell with its own shower room.
A source said: “It’s absolutely shocking that a guy like this has the ability to contact people on the outside, never mind the fact he’s boasting about his gangster lifestyle in jail.
“He seems to be living a very comfy life with all sorts of perks including two X-boxes. It’s outrageous.”
The video emerged after we told of ongoing concerns over cons having access to mobiles handed out during the Covid pandemic.
We revealed cons given £2.7million of free lockdown phones will get to keep them - despite landlines being installed in every cell.
Scottish Conservative shadow community safety minister Russell Findlay: “The soft-touch SNP have already fuelled crime by dishing out free phones to every prisoner at a cost of millions of pounds.
“They did so despite the existing widespread problem of smuggled mobiles, usually involving highly dangerous organised criminals. Every effort must be made to stamp this out.”
We previously told how Mohamud, 39, was one of three Somali mobsters caged over the murder of Mohammed Abdi, 25, in the city’s Duddingston in May 2013.
He pleaded guilty along with Cadil Huseen, 32, and Hussein Ali, 35, to killing Abdi over a drugs feud that ended with their victim being blasted in the chest with the deadly firearm.
As the three were given life in May 2014, Judge Lord Turnbull told them: “This is a level of criminality seldom seen in our country and mercifully so.”
Taxi driver Mohammed Irfan said of the terrifying scene: “I never thought it would be happening here. It was like something you hear in the movies.”
The court also heard of the men being involved in drug dealing that was earning the gang around £15,000 a week.
The case went to trial but all three men admitted the murder on the sixteenth day of evidence — they were told they must serve at least 25 years before applying for parole.
We told in August 2015 how a fourth gang member Mohammed Ahmed was also caged for at least 25 years over the slaughter
Ahmed, then 29, and also known as Jamal Saeed, fled to Somalia following the murder.
A Scottish Prison Service spokesperson said: “We do not comment on individuals.
“The Scottish Prison Service deploys a variety of strategic, tactical and technological responses to mitigate against illicit articles such as mobile phones being introduced in the prison estate.
“We continue to invest in the development of new technology to detect, deter and reduce the availability and supply of illegal substances and articles in what is a continuously evolving and dynamic area. Sun.

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