Thursday, March 30, 2023

Hawk Report.

HAWK REPORT from Tassie shares that the Creation Discovery Centre has secured a magnificent working model of a Bacterial flagellum from Vance Nelson in Canada. The flagellum is a type of tail found on bacteria which help them to move through liquid and while they are often regarded as one of the simplest creatures, the structure and system that drives the flagellum is the most efficient motor known to man. It even has recognizable features of a motor such as a drive shaft, stator, and motor. The model highlights these parts and how they need to be intricately arranged to work. How could chance molecules come together to form a spinning motor that can function at up to one hundred thousand revolutions per minute? The better answer of course is to acknowledge the incredible workmanship of the master designer Jesus Christ.
Creation Research.

Many Similar Warnings Have Been Ignored.

  Douglas Murray . Mass immigration is killing Europe – and the  political class  just don’t care. I warned nearly a decade ago that our Con...