Saturday, March 25, 2023

With Malice Aforethought.

 The damage to would-be Christians by hordes of atheists over recent decades has been momentous.

These people, so often leftist historians skulking in the ivory towers of academia, are pathologically determined to undermine the Scriptures by fair means or preferably foul.
Their starting point is that the Scriptures are merely a collection of myths. Late dating the Books of the Bible was once a favourite practice.
These people were stopped dead in their tracks by the discovery of The Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 which destroyed a huge number of their mischievous claims.
Since then they have rallied and reinvented.
I have had the dubious pleasure of reading portions of their claims and on all too many occasions have had sufficient, personal background knowledge to debunk their sickening declarations on my own. 
The spite needs to be stripped away.
The whole atheistic attack even includes works that deny that Jesus ever existed! No claim more absurd has ever been made. The hostility oozes out of every page.
Lee Strobel's: The Case For Christ puts all this dishonesty to flight. His journalistic background unpeels actual history and removes any and all honest doubt.
The chicanery, duplicity and falsehood published by so many of today's militant atheists does not regard honesty as a necessary quality. All they seek to do is create prejudicial doubt.
Tragically, their appalling tactics can also work well against weak Christians who are not properly grounded in their faith.
This is classic Marxism-in-action from out of the school of Lenin and is even more devious and dangerous when from the school of Leon Trotsky. Truth is unimportant. The 'right result' is all that matters.

Many Similar Warnings Have Been Ignored.

  Douglas Murray . Mass immigration is killing Europe – and the  political class  just don’t care. I warned nearly a decade ago that our Con...