Sunday, November 19, 2006

Exeter's shame.

The Exeter University student body has decided to persecute its Christian Union. A number of its rights and entitlements have been suspended as it is deemed to break 'equal opportunities rules'.
The problem is that members of the CU are required to affirm their belief in Christ. This means that it is not open to everybody.
That thrice-cursed word "inclusivity" again!
Are these lefties so stark, staring bonkers that they believe that a Christian body should accept atheists as actual members? - Absurd! AND of course, there are no reports as to how it deals with its Muslim students.
I would wager a small fortune that double standards are being fully applied. [As is now the custom]
What really pigs me off is that these sad youngsters are supposed to be showing some signs of intellect if they are at uni - but they are literally incapable of genuine reasoning and logic. Welcome to the future.

Arthur Rowe.
