Wednesday, November 29, 2006


What do you do as a parent when your child has defied you? Well, if some TV programmes are to be followed you enter a complex procedure of ignoring and isolating the child; you let them work out their frustration and ensure that they never win.
The last part is certainly true and the earlier parts do have some, albeit limited, merit. What you do not do is physically abuse children into submission.
I raised two boys. The older was slippered , I think twice. Could we have avoided physical punishment totally? - Yes.
The younger was wilful and would on occasions, take you on. He was capable of calculated defiance and even then,earned a slippering or smacking perhaps less than a dozen times throughout his entire childhood. Without the physical punishment - which was NEVER used arbitrarily - I think he could have become uncontrollable like SO many more have done.
Professor Al Aynsley-Green is now fighting to ban even the mildest smacks.These people are dangerous. These people are unscriptural. These people have done immeasurable damage before when they banned the cane in schools. The deterioration in discipline is almost unbelievable.
Sorry Prof. Every human being NEEDS a little honest fear of consequences.
The worst thing of all is that these wretched do-gooders cannot differentiate between loving chastisement and abuse. Shame on them!
