Friday, November 03, 2006

How to create BNP voters.

What really gets most people about political correctness is the double standards. We have seen this week how a judge who was sentencing in a murder case did not add to the sentence given on the grounds of the crime being racially motivated. The perpetrator was from an ethnic minority and had murdered somebody white. He referred to the victim's colour and race twice during the act and yet this evil deed was deemed not to be racially motivated.
Had it been the other way round, with a fraction of the evidence, the outcome would have been in no doubt - and I know - I did the magistrates' training!
Meanwhile, at Millais school, Christian girls have been banned from wearing 'chastity rings' as this goes against the school policy on wearing jewellery. Fine but for one small fact. Sikh girls have been allowed to wear kara bracelets which in similar fashion to the rings represent 'restraint from doing evil'.
If these appalling people want to wreck peaceful coexistence between communities, it is hard to find ways of creating more resentment than they are doing. Are the politically correct BNP infiltrators in deep disguise? - I sometimes wonder!
