Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Liberal christianity; a contradiction in terms.

I despise liberal christianity precisely because it is not Christianity at all. It is a poor shadow; a dimmed image; a corruption which believes more in Man than in God.
Put simply. If a liberal christians do not like a particular scriptural teaching, they abandon it or claim that 'society has moved on'.
Put even more simply, this means that their belief is that Man knows better than God - although a great many attempts are made with disingenuous arguments to disguise this.
They claim the Faith is "all about love" which Christians obviously do not like to be seen as arguing against.The problem is that "love" is defined by them in a manner which is inimical to Bible teaching.
The big question becomes "Is God Supreme; omnipotent or not?"
If He is incapable of leaving us a reliable record then what is the point of it all - He is merely a second rate divinity.
You cannot have it both ways - either trust in God or don't bother wasting your time. There is NO middle route.
